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Danielle POV.

I stared at the floor as I sat in the waiting room, a blank expression covered my face. I felt empty knowing the Odell was in that operating room with only god knows how many gunshot wounds. Jarvis sat next to me and held my hand..Hailey sat on my lap, she had finally fell asleep after hours of crying and asking questions about Odell. Heather was sitting across from me with a glare on her face.

"Is there a reason you're glaring at my daughter?" My mom said.

"...I knew I shouldn't have apologized to you! This is you're fault!! I know it is, whoever did this wanted my son away for a reason and I just know it's because of you."

"You can't blame this on her! Nobody knows anything, It could've been the other way around!" My mom retorted.

"Ever since my son got with you his life has been nothing but bad luck...you are a bad luck charm for him! He really needs to get away from you."

"Heather that's enough! Now sit down!" James spoke sternly.

It went quiet for another solid moment..maybe Heather was right. Maybe I was just a bad luck charm for Odell, even though he hasn't had a lot of bad things happen to him..just a few pop ups of random people we don't need around but that's it, but that doesn't mean anything. He's still had a lot of things happen to him that weren't happening until we got together.

"You want me to take Hailey home with us?" Kavarha asked.

I nodded my head and zipped her jacket up, I kissed her cheek and Jarvis picked her up from my arms.

"I love you baby sis." Jarvis kissed my forehead. "Call me if you need anything."

I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. I wasn't in the mood for talking at all...the only words I really wanted to hear was the doctor saying Odell was going to be just fine.

"Hey Dani." I heard Jermaine say as he hugged me.

"Hey Maine." I hugged him back.

"Why the hell is she hugging another man! She suppose to be with my son!" Heather whispered to herself but I heard her...just ignored her.

Jermaine glanced over at Odell's mom and shook his head.

"Doctors said anything yet?" He asked me.

"No..we've been sitting here all night." I sighed.

I held onto my mom's hand and held onto Jermaine's hand also. I was a wreck.

"Umm, excuse me. Are you the family of Odell Beckham Jr?." The doctor asked with 2 cops behind him.

"Yes, we are...is there a problem?" I asked worriedly.

"This is officer Powell and officer Mendez, they like to ask you all some questions." The doctor said.

The officer's sat me down further in the waiting room where it was empty, Jermaine stayed by my side the whole time.

"Had anything suspicious been going on throughout the day?" Officer Powell asked.

"...it was a man who kept staring at me through the window, almost like a stalker.." I spoke in a low tone.

"Could you give us a description?" He asked.

"I didn't see his face but he was wearing a black hoodie, and black sweatpants ...that's all I could see." I shrugged.

"Anything else out of the ordinary?" Mendez asked.

"...a few weeks ago we went to Florida..it kinda felt like I was being watched the whole time, It was a creepy feeling the whole time."

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat