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Jarvis POV..

Sherane was sleeping in my arms with her head laying on my chest..I really liked her, she was sweet, funny, and she wasn't like these other girls who only try to date me for my money. I even flew her out to Florida with me did a couple weeks , she didn't wanna leave her family or a job for a long time. She was going back in a few hours .

"Goodmorning Babygirl." I kissed her forehead.

"Goodmorning boo" she smiled at me.

"What you wanna do before you leave" I asked her.

"..let's go out to breakfast first." She sat up."Imma go shower and get ready" she kissed me and got up from bed with the sheet around her body.

I put some shorts on and walked to the bathroom down the hallway, I brushed my teeth and took a shower so I could spend my last day with my baby. I got dressed and walked back into my room. Sherane's phone was ringing on the night stand, I picked it up and looked at the name..."Isaiah" with all these lovey Dovey ass emojis !!! I declined it and went straight to their text messages....so she already has a boyfriend but yet she's here in Florida with me telling me I'm the only one for her .. As I was reading the text messages I could feel myself getting angry. I wanted her gone! I wanted her away from me!

"Babe I was thinking, maybe next time I visit I could stay longer." She walked into the bedroom

"What the hell is this !?!?" I tossed her phone onto the bed."That's ya nigga!?!?"

"Jarvis, baby I can explain!" I walked closer to me.

"Just shut the hell up ! I don't wanna hear it ! ..you lied to me Sherane! You suppose to be my girl! So who is this nigga!?!?" I was beyond pissed.

"..Isaiah is my boyfriend ..I was gonna break up with him baby I swear I was but I just couldn't.."

"Sherane I don't even wanna hear it!! .. I'm done." I put my shirt on.

"No baby please I'm sorry!! I'll call and tell him I'm done with him just please don't do this." She tried to touch me but I backed away from her.

"Don't you fucking touch me,I'll call you a cab to come get you and take you to the airport." I said through clench teeth

"Jarvis please ! I'm sorry."she said through her tears

"I DONT WANNA HEAR IT!!! If you can cheat on him and stab him in his back then what makes me think you won't don't the same shit to me!!" I glared at her.

She didn't say anything, she just cried and put her head down. I pulled my phone out and called her a cab. Within 10 minutes the cab pulled up and she came walking down the stairs holding her stuff.

"Jarvis I'm sorry." She said..she tried to kiss my cheek but I moved away from her.

"Leave.." I pointed to the door.

"Why can't you just forgive me, I said I was sorry! I even said I would break up with him! Just give me another chance." She yelled.

"Get out my house before I get my sister to beat yo' ass."

She rolled her eyes and walked out the front door, she turned around and started to speak but I slammed the door in her face. I walked over to the couch and sat down, this is exactly why I hate relationships.

Danielle POV
I had finally finished my make up exam, so now I could get caught up in the new unit we would be starting. My professor handed me a folder full of papers with all the stuff we would be starting and I went back to my seat.

"Danielle.." I heard a voice say next to me.

"Yes?" I turned and saw Perez.

"I just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful today." He flashed me a smile and winked ... NIGGA YOU NOT SLICK!!!

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now