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Odell POV.

When I pulled up to the doctors office, I sat in the car for a few minutes...I put my hoodie over my head, put my sun glasses on and got out the car. I kinda kept my head down as I walked inside so nobody would notice me in case they could still tell it was me. The secretary was an older woman who was in her 40s but she was cool as hell.

"Oh look who it is. You ain't been in here in a long as time."

"Nice to see you too Wanda." I signed the clipboard.

"mmhh no need to sign in..jake had his first two hours cleared in case you come in..go ahead to the back." She snatched the clipboard.

I nodded my head and walked through the glass stained window doors and went to the far end of the hallway, I walked in and saw my doctor typing on his computer.

"Odell! Wassup man, have a seat." He said.

I sat on the chair and took my hoodie off along with my glasses.

"Glad to see you this morning, how you been." He grabbed a pen.

"I've been great." I smiled.

"That's good...I'm take you're blood pressure and all that usual shi- I mean stuff." He laughed to himself.

He put the Blood pressure patch around my arm and pressed the button....the machine started speeding with numbers and it finally stopped beating letting me know that it was finished.

"Ahh...120 over 80, not bad at all. Actually it's really good..I'm gonna ask you a few questio-" I cut him off.

"Surprise, surprise." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"...have you been having any flashbacks or anything ?" He asked letting out a sigh.

"Nah." I replied.

"Does you're girlfriend know about what happened?" He said curiously.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

He sighed again and scratched his head. "Can you at least try to cooperate.." He asked.

"I can..but I don't want too."

"Odell, you're rude, uncooperative, hardheaded and you're self centered ! You don't care about anybody but yourself." He kinda raised his voice

"I am not self centered." I unfolded my arms.

"Yes you are! Do you ever think about what you're peers may think about you not even wanting help, do you ever think about the type of worry you give them."

"My family doesn't know..nobody knows except my girl."

"Well fine! You say you love her and you care about her but do you think that you could be causing her a lot of worry with you not taking you're medicine or not going to counseling or not going to you're doctor ...not only are you selfish, you stubborn! I know you say that this girlfriend of yours makes you feel less stressed but what's gonna happen when she pisses you off to the max!" I glared at him.

"What you mean? What you think I'd hit her or something!?!?" I sat up in my chair.

"I've seen it happen, some guys with PTSD don't wanna take they medicine for whatever reason..they get mad and they just snap on their girlfriends..." I grabbed my hoodie.

"You know what jake you can shut the hell up because I would never put my hands on Danielle! This is why I hate coming here because y'all aggravate the fuck outta me!!!!!" I put my glasses on and walked out the room.


"KISS MY ASS DR. DANIELS!!!" I yelled back at him

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now