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"Daddy..." I heard a little voice say. "Daddy...wake up." She shook me

My eyes open and I groaned a little since my back was kinda sore from the couch. I looked around and didn't see Courtney anywhere. I looked in Hailey's eyes and she didn't look too happy.

"Daddy I don't know where mommy is." Hailey was on the verge of tears.

"When did she leave?" I asked.

"I woke up and she was gone...all her stuff is gone too.." She put her head down.

"Don't cry babygirl, I'm gonna call her and you just sit here and watch tv." I gave her a smile.

I got up from the couch and went to see if her stuff was really gone..she wasn't lying, only thing I found was Hailey's clothes. I pulled my phone out and saw 35 text messages along with 50 missed calls..I called Courtney's phone a couple times and each time it said her number was disconnected or some shit. I started pacing back and forth..I let out a stressful sigh and slammed my hands on the table causing Hailey to gasp a little. I looked over at her and she looked kinda scared.

"Mommy's boyfriend does that when he's angry ..I hate him." She rolled her eyes.

"Why you hate him?" I asked sitting next to her.

"He's mean..he always yelling and smoking those stinky white sticks. I have asthma and he always blows the smoke in my face. One time mommy told him to stop and he just kept blowing smoke in my face...I was coughing really bad. I went to the hospital." Damn, she was talkative but I didn't mind it.

"Well daddy doesn't smoke, Danielle doesn't either so you don't gotta worry about that." I flashed her a smile.

"Who Danielle?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"She's my girlfriend , she's also gonna have a baby so you'll have a little brother or sister." I said as she nodded her head.

"All mommys boyfriends are mean. Except Kav...he always bought me toys and candy.." She must be talking about Kavarah ...I walked over to the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

Dear, Odell ..

I'm sorry it had to lead to this, I spent 5 years raising Hailey...now it's you're turn. She is already enrolled at a school near you're house she starts on September 4th. Did I already have this planned? Yes I did. I need a break, a huge break.. Please don't let Danielle treat our child any different from how she would treat the baby shes carrying, I don't like that favoritism shit. Tell Hailey I'll be back for her in a few months, give her a kiss for me and tell her I love her.

Ps: I already checked out the hotel and paid for my room. So all you gotta do is leave.
From, Courtney 💕

"FUCK!" I muttered under my breath.

I already stayed here all night! I already lied to Danielle about where I was going! Now I gotta explain to Danielle, Where I was at, Why I was there and How did a little girl just pop up..today is NOT gonna be a good day.

Danielle POV.

What the hell! I haven't slept all night ...between these gas pains and Odell not coming home it's been a rough night. I've been calling him and texting him non stop but didn't get a reply. My doctors appointment is in an hour and he's still not here. I was pacing back and forth as I called him one last time. I called Sarah asking if he was there and she said no...he said he was signing papers with coach, I'll call him then.

Coach: Hello Dani.

Me: Hey Coach...have you seen Odell? He said he left last night and said he was doing something with you..

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now