Chapter 2: Task Force 141

Start from the beginning

Soap and Gaz jogged over to a blue shipping container as they unlocked the doors and swung it up. Inside was dusty but appeared empty at first glance; only after Ghost had turned on his flashlight and walked inside did they see a single glass container lying on the ground. It was dusty and cracked, but clearly once held something inside. Ghost walked out handing it to Price who turned it over looking for any clues that might tell what it was used for.

"Looks like one of those things they use at banks." Soap laughed, earning a glare from Ghost.

"Definitely looks like the drawing, but it's only one; I wonder where the others are." Price stuck it in Ghost's pack and the group made their way out of the now-abandoned warehouse.

As Gaz and Price called for exfil, Soap decided to check on the lieutenant. Ghost was standing not too far away, keeping his eyes on the tree line that had been covered in a thin layer of snow.


"Sergeant." Ghost answered, not taking his eyes off the tree line.

"Can we talk?" Soap asked, wanting to know where they stood post-Las Almas.

"We are on a mission, Soap."

"Please Ghost?" Soap's voice was calm but also had some emotion behind it that Ghost couldn't say no to.

"Make it quick, the heli will be here soon." Soap just nodded and moved to stand next to the masked man.

"I just wanted to say thanks again for not leaving me back in Las Almas and also for saving me from being thrown out a window." Soap laughed at that last part, even though he could have been killed by Hassan.

"It's part of the job, Johnny." Ghost had been worried about Soap the entire time, not wanting the other man to get caught by Graves or his shadows, who occupied the town killing everyone in their path. Ghost had kept talking to Johnny the entire night, helping him survive the threats but also because he needed to know that Soap was alive and still making his way to him.

"I guess but... well, I guess it was just really nice, especially the ride to Alejandro's safe house."

The truck ride out of town and into the countryside started off quiet, but soon Ghost had to pull over and take care of Soap's bullet wound that he had gotten from Graves. The process was messy and painful for Soap, since they only had an old medical kit in the back of the stolen truck. They were lucky enough to have that, but nothing could ease Soap's pain when Ghost had to remove the bullet. Johnny held on tight to Ghost's arm, burrying his face into the larger man's shoulder and screaming into it. Ghost eventually removed the bullet and bandaged up Soap's arm as best he could.

"Ghost." Soap was breathing heavily, not removing his head from Ghost's shoulder.


Soap slowly turned his head toward Ghost's masked face, neither of them moving from their spots. Carefully, Johnny leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Simon's covered chin. Simon didn't say anything, but Johnny saw his eyes widen slightly but relax at the contact.

"Thank you for saving me, Simon."

Simon carefully wrapped an arm around Johnny, trying not to hurt him but pulling the other member of 141 into a hug. It was a tender moment between the two, but it couldn't last long since they still had to reach the safe house. Ghost eventually pulled away and helped Soap up as they continued down the road, eventually meeting up with Rodolfo inside.

"You two muppets coming?" The sound of a helicopter became louder as Soap and Ghost turned to see it descending, Gaz waved up at it and Price was glaring at them annoyed for not paying attention during a mission.

"Quit zoning out and let's go home already!" Price yelled over the descending bird. The group climbed inside and the chopper took off heading for the airport where Flight 141's transport was parked. The ride back was mostly calm, with Gaz showing Price his new gloves that Laswell had gotten him after the Hassan crisis. Soap had been looking down at the trees covered in snow as they passed by counting all the ones had had no snow on the top for whatever reason.

"Hey captain!" Soap shouted as everybody turned to hear what would come out of the sergeant's mouth this time.

"What?" Price yelled back.

"Think we could celebrate a proper Christmas this year, sir?"

The question was random for the moment but made sense coming from Soap and also it was now December 23rd and Christmas Eve was tomorrow. Price just laughed and nodded since he technically couldn't say no to Soap. The sergeant had spent the past week before my mission decorating the entire base with Gaz and Laswell. Trees and lights were everywhere, and even Ghost seemed to be in a better mood these days. The helicopter finally landed at the airport after an hour of flight where the plane was waiting to take off.

"Sir, you have a call from Agent Laswell!" One of the pilots ran down the ramp and handed a radio to Price as the others listened in.

"Kate, is everything okay?" Price seemed slightly concerned.

"Everything is fine, John." I wanted to check to see how the mission went.

"We found the warehouse, but only found a plan and an empty container inside. We are bringing both back." Price stated as he took his seat in the aircraft.

"That's good to hear..." Kate's voice trailed off, and Price knew there was something else.

"That isn't the only thing you wanted to talk about, is it?" The others looked up as they saw Price's face change.

"No John, there is something else. We are sharing the base with another task force, so they will be there when you arrive."

Price was beyond lost at that moment. Another task force at 141's base? They had barley begun the hunt for Makarov and they were already getting back up.

"Which one?" Price questioned.

"You'll see when you get here, but before I need you and the others to show me what you found, I'll meet you at the runway; the others have already settled into their rooms." Kate explained not really answering John's question. Kate and John continued to talk for a few minutes as the plane took off back to the UK. Eventually they said their goodbyes after Price had told Kate about Soap's Christmas request, to which Kate just laughed and told Price she had a gift for him already.

"What was that about?" Ghost asked from across the plane. Soap had fallen asleep on the Brit's shoulder, and Gaz took full advantage of the moment snapping a photo much to Ghost's annoyance.

"We have guests joining us for the holidays; they are already waiting back at base." Price explained. Gaz and Ghost both seemed confused at another squad being called in to help them since they weren't exactly sure what they needed help with. Their hunt for Makarov was far from successful, but they had only been at it for a month and already dealt with plenty of his ultranationalists. Back at 141's base Kate sat in Price's office on the couch while lightly blowing on her tea.

"So what did you get everyone for the holidays?" She asked, taking a sip of the tea she had made after the call with Price.

"Christmas gifts are meant to be a secret, Kate."

"Fine, but if you get me another toaster, I swear." She laughed

Even this once empty room had been filled with Christmas cheer by Soap MacTavish. Much to Price's annoyance he had a small tree in the corner and Christmas themed coasters on the desk.

"It's cute, isn't it?"

"What is?" Kate asked as she set her tea down on the coffee table.

"The light and shit." "Didn't think he would be much of a decorations guy?"

"It was Soap and Gaz who did all this; maybe Ghost helped too, I don't know." Kate looked around the room, settling on the small tree in the corner.


"What's up?" Kate asked, leaning back against the couch.

"What can you tell me about Gaz, Soap, and... Ghost?"

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