Level 24:Rise of the Glitch Heroes

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Several minutes passed as Fitoria stayed in Keel's kind grasp

"Ok. I'm ready." Fitoria said

"Are you sure, kiddo?" L'Arc asked her, getting a nod


The scene opens up to Zane groggily shutting off his alarm clock before attempting to go back to sleep. The door slams open and in march Keith, who shakes his partner awake.

Keith: Wake up, Z! You're going to be late!

Zane: *groans tiredly* What time is it...?

Keith: It's 2 hours before your wedding!




"Um, Wolf? Are you by any chance in the second to last episode?" Akatsuki mentally asked

"Yes. Why?" Gen Wolf answered.

"Cause Mirellia's over here blushing like a schoolgirl. I was wondering if that had anything to do with it? Plus she looks adorable." Akatsuki added with a cackle

"Well, if you think she's cute, go ask her out." Gen Wolf snickered.

"Haha. You're not funny." Akatsuki snarked





Keith: Yes! And we still have Yenova's crowning ceremony! So, get your ass outta bed and get ready for your wedding

"Yenova's gonna be crowned queen!" Yue and Allura squealed

"Well, they're excited." Hunk blinked surprised

Zane immediately jumped out of bed and the two headed out the door. As the door slams shut, the words "1 week ago" were on it.

"Time skip. Wonderful..." Wally rolled his eyes

The door opened up and out came the two World Jumpers and their party members, who were all in their swimsuits. It was a day after the wave had finished and they had decided to relax some more on the beach. Keith decided to try some fishing today as a form of relaxing.

"I haven't fished in a while." Keel said

Zane collected the glitching shield as a souvenir and even hid the Cyber Virus cores in Keith's shield.

"Of course he did." Aqualad said

Keith, meanwhile, had buried Robbie in Lurolona village and kept Robbie's weapons and the items handed over by the World Jumper in his shield.

While they did enjoy the tropical warmth of the sun on the beach, save for Frostine and the two World Jumpers — the former being a frost dragon and the latter two not really being there to experience it.

"I wonder if they miss summer. I mean, actually experiencing it." M'gann said

"No doubt about it." Conner agreed

When they were heading back, Filo called them over after discovering something.

Filo: Masters! Come quick!

Zane did his best to stifle a laugh and tried not to imagine the unintentional innuendo.

Gen Wolf heard Reiko stifle a laugh "Pervert." he deadpanned.

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