Quickly twirling in my combination into my lock, I opened my locker and grabbed out my books for my next class. A chill suddenly began to rub down my spine, starting at the base of my neck and slowly making its way down. My shoulders shot up to my ears and I bit down on my lip harshly, almost to the point where I was chewing on it and drawing blood. I nearly let out a scream as I felt a hand come down on my shoulder and I whirled around, expecting to see Jasper there. I was relieved to see Laura was the one standing there instead and I let out a breath in relief and she raised an eye brow at me.

"You alright, Aria? You look like you've seen a ghost," she asked and I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, Laura. Just...A little skittish is all," I replied as I shrugged my shoulders. I certainly wasn't about to tell her what had happened or that I thought she had been Jasper.

"Alright. Come on then or we're going to be late and you know how much the teach hates us being late," she said to me and I raised a brow.

"You mean to tell me that you don't intend to make a dramatic entrance today?" I asked her, sarcasm completely covering my tone and she scowled at me, turning her nose up as she looked away from me.

"I don't make dramatic entrances," she said defensively and I couldn't help but let a chuckle escape my lips as we began to head towards our last class of the day.

I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder as we walked towards out last class. I was afraid that Jasper had definitely been given this class as well on his schedule an if he had I was going to say I wasn't feeling well and spend the entire class in the sick bay. But upon finding that the seat beside mine was vacant and would remain that way for the rest of the semester, I was able to relax and actually somewhat pay attention in class.

By the time class was over and school was finished for the day, I had gone from relaxed to a tightly wound coil. As the clock had ticked its way closer to the end of the school day, my heart rate had shot up from its steady beating to a more rapid and almost painful beat. I was packed up and ready to leave the room before the bell even rang. Laura gave me a weird look as I shot up and out of my seat when the bell finally did ring and I gave her a shy smile before darting out of the room.

I walked towards my locker, my head down and somehow managing to dodge in between the students and teachers as much as I could. They were all desperately trying to vacate the building and grounds as soon as possible. I was one of them as well, desperately trying to get to my locker so that I could grab my books and get home again before I had a chance to see Jasper or his siblings again. His brother and sister always gave me an overwhelming urge to turn around and run as far away from them as I could possibly get. And Jasper...Well he was a different story. I wanted to be near him but I didn't want to at the same time. I was conflicted with wanting to get to know him and staying the hell away from him.

Sighing and shaking my head at myself, I stood at my locker now, picking out the books I would need for my homework that night. I couldn't believe what was happening right now. There was something about Jasper that drew you in - I had seen it for myself with other students - but at the same time there was something that kept you at arms length. At least, that's how it felt for me. I hadn't seen anyone else reacting the way that I did with him. Closing my locker and turning around, I fell still and my eyes widened as once again, the trio of siblings sudden arrival in the corridor had brought the dull and rather annoying chatter of the other students to a complete stand still.

The three of them walked down the corridor as if they owned the place. Well...Roderick and Aranna did at the very least. Jasper kind of hung back slightly, walking behind the other two silently. Roderick and Aranna were talking rather animatedly with one another, laughing every now and again and slowly, the conversations in the corridor picked up once more, though it was slightly duller than it had been. I quickly flattened myself against my locker as I saw them coming closing and I tried to hide myself amongst the other students so that Jasper couldn't, and wouldn't, see me.

My plan didn't work - I know, big shocker there - and Jasper's eyes automatically found mine through the entire crowd of students. How he had even found me was a mystery and I wasn't about to ask him why he had decided to single me out from the rest of the students. Taking in a deep, and rather shaky breath I might add, I kept my eyes on him, barely daring to move or to blink as he looked back at me. Time seemed to stop in the corridor as we looked at one another before Jasper came to a stop in the direct line of sight from me. As if sensing that he was looking at me, the other students that were around me and between me and him separated, creating a path that led direction to either one of us.

I saw him take a step towards me and I took an involuntary step back. I felt the cool metal of the locker come into contact with my skin where it was exposed and I bit down on my lip, hissing at the sudden cold. I saw his eyes dart down to my lips and then back up again quickly, as though he was afraid to get caught in the act. I saw his eyes change colour ever so slightly as well, going to a slightly darker shade of blue than normal and I swallowed nervously.

Someone called out his name and I saw his eyes dart to whoever it was briefly. I took that momentary distraction to make my escape, hurrying in the complete opposite direction that he was going. I didn't know if he had looked back at me or not but there was no way in Hell that I was going to stick around to find out. I darted between the other students, desperately trying to get out of the school and back home as quickly as I could. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, beating a rather furious beat against my ribs to the point of where I was sure that I would end up with bruises the following day. I didn't know why I was so afraid of him when I had wanted to both get to know him and stay as far away from him as I possibly could. I knew one thing for certain at the moment.

I had to keep away from him.

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