Here comes the killer shot

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(You and the rest of team are gathered in the soccer club discussing what you learned from your match against Royal academy)

Mark: After our game against Royal I've got a good idea about what our weaknesses are.

Max: Yeah stamina and endurance are two I can name.

(Everyone looks down depressed)

Y/N: Really Max?

Max: Sorry guys did I hit a nerve there?

Nathan: Anyway Mark please continue

Mark: Well stamina is one thing we do lack that's why I came up with this formation here.

(Mark starts puting numbers on the board puting them in certain spots)

Willy: Huh?

Mark: I found it right out of my grandpa playbook.

Willy: What do you mean I'm not the big striker?

Steve: Your lucky to be on the team at all.

Willy: Well I should be the big striker not Y/N.

Mark: Look it's just Y/N has more experience and skill than you. He'll help is win lot's of games but if he gets injured you can come on in his place.

Y/N: Well at least we'll have a back up.

Sam: So umm captain and vice captain.

Y/N: What is it?

Sam: Why isn't Axel here at the meeting? We need his input too.

(Kevin gets mad when Sam says that as he glares at him)

Willy: That's a good point he helped score the only goal in the whole game.

Jack: Nobody else except Y/N couldn't get close to the ball.

Kevin:(angry) That's not how the game meant to be played. I'll show you guys how soccer really works!

Everyone except Kevin: Huh?

Steve: Calm down Kevin

Tod: Take it easy

Y/N: Yeah chill out

Kevin: He said his not playing with us again right?

Mark: I don't know that's what he said but-

Kevin: Not you two Mark what about you Y/N?

Y/N: Well he did say but it would be great if he played with us again.

Kevin: Y/N you too everyone is relying on him.

Mark: That's not true

Kevin: We have to be able to do this on our own we need to put more faith in us.

(Suddenly the door opens as you look who it is as you see Silvia)

Y/N: Oh hey Silvia

Silvia: Hey Y/N everyone we got a visitor. Oh what's wrong did something happen?

Y/N: No everything good

Silvia: Right come on in

(Silvia moves out of the way for the person to come in when you see it's Nelly)

Y/N/Mark: Huh?

Nelly: It stinks in here

Kevin: Who's idea was it to let that women in here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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