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After explaining everything to my friends, they sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you're fine, sister." Finn smiled. "Yeah, me too." I returned the gesture, then my father walked out of the forest, dragging Nate with one hand on the ground. My eyes widened, but I felt somewhat relieved. "Dad, what did you do to him?!" I asked. "Adel, don't tell me you worry about this drecksack (scumbag). I just knocked him out!" he explained. I nodded and he kept dragging his body, and threw it on a horse. "Give me the ropes Adel was tied with." he ordered and Finn gave it to them, and helped our father tie the man's ankles and wrists. Before he got on the horse, he turned to Jerry, who gulped and held his breathing back. "Kiddo." he called, "Yes sir?" "Thank you. I...apologize for acting so rude towards you. I thought you would treat my daughter bad or hurt her, but I guess you're good enough for her." my father finished and put and hand on Jerry's shoulder who sighed and smiled softly. "Thank you, sir." he said. Dad nodded and hoppend on the horse, then left.


With the other horses we headed back to Anne's, now we were hanging out, but unfortunately Gilbert had to leave. We were hanging out in the barn, just talking about what happened, meaning I was the one who was speaking the most. Jerry sat close to me, then gently grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I blushed a little and smiled at him, I hesitated for a second, but I quickly leaned in and kissed his cheek. He grinned and looked at Anne, who was smiling at him aswell. Finn cleared his throat, glaring at us. "Ahem, I am still right here. No touching." he said and grabbed our hands, breaking the hold, and sat between us. I chuckled and rolled my eyes, but Anne saved me from the situation; "I believe Adel wouldn't do that if Diana and you would hold hands or kiss." she stated and my brother bit his bottom lip, looking down. "That's... that's different. Adel is my sister, she's too young for this!" he frowned and looked at Jerry, then me, and I smacked his arm.

"Ma belle? Can we talk?" Jerry asked me as he leaned in to look at me from Finn's left side. I nodded and we stood up, walking out of the barn. "No touching!" Finn shouted after us and we giggled. He took a deep breath and slid his hand in his pocket, pulling out a bracelet. He gave it to me and quickly kissed my cheek, making my heart melt. "I asked my sister what should I give to a girl I like and...she made me sit down and make bracelets with her, saying you'd like this." he explained as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. It was pretty and colorful, and there was a letter 'A' on it aswell, probably the first letter of my name. "Aw, thank you Jerry, this is beautiful!" I said and pulled him in a tight hug. "You don't get it." he sighed and put his hands on my hips, gently pushing me away as he looked in my eyes. "I love you, ma belle." he said and before I could answer or react, his soft lips already connected with mine. He giggled in the kiss and pulled away, and I looked at him confused. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this." I giggled and replied with 'me neither'. "Let's learn it, then." he slightly smirked and I blushed, but before he could kiss me again, I put my finger on his lips. "Ah-ah, you didn't let me answer. I love you too, Jerry." I smiled, then kissed him again.

I couldn't explain how I felt rightnow, my heart was burning, with butterflies in it, I felt so happy, I didn't want the kiss to end. This is...wonderful. It's just like how they described it in books! And now that my father is fine with Jerry, maybe we could...

Maybe we could get married in the future.

"What is taking you so-- I TOLD YOU BOTH NO TOUCHING!" Finn shouted and ran up to us, yanking me away from Jerry's gentle hold. I turned to look at my brother and frowned. "Calm down, we did not do anything wrong." I explained and he glared behind me at Jerry. "Stop being so protective, Jerry won't hurt me." "It better will stay like that. Besides, you just got rescued from Nate, how could I not worry about you?" he looked at me and hugged me, I rubbed his back. "I'm okay. Except the fact that I'm starving." I snickered and Finn pulled away and we went inside the Cuthbert's house to have some lunch.


"Thank you so much, Mrs. Cuthbert." I smiled at the woman and she did too. "Anytime. Are you okay, dear?" she asked as she walked up to me, combing my hair, since it was a bit messy. "I'm way better now. I couldn't be more thankful for my dearest friends and my brother." I spoke as I looked at Anne, Jerry and Finn, giving them all a big smile. Jerry looked down and smiled, I knew well why he did that. I am pretty sure we're more than just friends from now on. And I'm glad to have him.


A/N: Oohhh myyy gooddd... I apologize it took so long for me to post this, I post when I have motivation and ideas, I mean, I read your comments and thank you for the ideas you gave me, i'll definitely use some, but I gotta think about how am I gonna put them in the story. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part! ♡

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