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I woke up surprisingly, in Jerry’s arms. Didn't expect this, but oh well. He would usually wake me up saying he needs to leave, but I guess he just simply wanted to stay. How sweet.
I have school!!

I quickly jumped out of the bed, turning around to see if Jerry was still asleep - which he was -, and I grabbed the dress I usually wear for school and put it on, then went to do my morning routine. After that, when I returned I noticed Jerry woke up.
"Where are you going?" he asked, yawning and sitting up on the bed.

"I have school." I sighed then realization hit him, then he quickly stood up from the bed, hugging me and placing a kiss on my hand, then cheek, and he literally just jumped out of the window.
I rushed downstairs, and ran outside, noticing my brother wasn't even with me. What day is it...?
I shrugged and just headed to school, Charlie, Moody and some other boys were hanging outside, the girls were picking flowers, I made my way inside and put my basket on my desk, sitting down.
"Almost overslept, hm?" I heard a familiar male voice chuckle, looking up, I met a pair of brown eyes meet mine.
"Very funny, Gilbert. Yes. But only almost." I rolled my eyes which made the brunette chuckle again, and he sat next to me.
"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked.
"U- uh, I still don't know.. What do you think, what am I good at?" I sighed, hesitating before a honest reply. Gilbert hummed, and scanned my face, then grinned.
"A journalist." I blinked a few times. "A journalist? Really?" I frowned. "Really. I think you'd be pretty good at it." he smiled.
I thought about it for a few seconds. Writing, asking people questions, explore towns, a small career, not gonna lie, it does sound good. I like writing.
"You can handle your words well," he spoke up, breaking the silence "And I can just imagine you being one. It suits you, really." he gave me a geniue smile, which made me return it.
"Thank you. That was nice to hear."
"You're one of my best friends, of course. I'll help you out anytime, or give you tips." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. I scrunched my nose and smiled again, then the bell rang, Miss Stacy came inside quickly with some boxes in her hand.


Well this was... Awesome, until, Moody's parents took the child home, a lot of parents just came inside watching Miss Stacy teaching, they hated her, but for what?! She's the kindest soul in here! She's interesting also! And definitely way better than the previous teacher.
A lot of people left, leaving the teacher, Anne, Mrs. Cuthbert, Gilbert, Diana, Finn and I alone. We were upset at the parents, Miss Stacy is awesome, if I could, I would just simply protect her somehow. How can I help her?
I sighed and I felt a tap on my shoulder, making eyecontact with my brother.
"Are you alright?" he asked, worry written on his face.
"Hm? Oh, yes, just thinking." I replied, giving him a soft smile and he sighed.
"I hope she won't get fired." Finn said, pulling me in a hug. I hugged back, noticing Gilbert, Anne and Diana watching us, then when we let go of eachother, they walked over to us.
"We have to do something. I'm afraid something terrible could happen." Anne spoke up.
"I agree. My parents really despise her, for no reason. She's the best teacher we had so far." Diana nodded in agreement.
"Don't worry. If we work together, we can stop the government from firing Miss Stacy. I belive in us." Gilbert looked at us, his eyes landed on me, waiting for me to say something.
"What's your plan?"


I was hurrying to Anne's house, already yelling Jerry’s name. He ran out, dropping the shovel he had in his hand, and stopped me by grabbing my shoulders.
"What? Did something happen, ma belle? What's wrong?" he asked worriedly, looking deep in my eyes.
"Nothing. Just need your hand for something, we need help." I spoke, catching my breath.
"My help? In what?" he raised an eyebrow, slowly letting go of my shoulders.
I grinned, explaining him what happened, then whispering him the plan.
"A bit risky, but i'll help." he smiled at me, grabbing my hand, raising it and places a kiss on it. I couldn't help but blush, this makes me smile every time, I felt my cheeks heaten up, to which he chuckled and pulled me in a hug. I returned it, hugging him tightly, I didn't want to let him go, I want to marry him at this point. I've never been in love this much, well Karl, I loved him I guess, but that doesn't count in right now. All that matters is to keep him safe and treat him like how he treats me, sweetly, lovely, kindly, I'm really thankful for him.
The plans with him in the future just can't leave my mind, my heart races even when I think of him, but when he's with me, I just loose myself in a good way.

I feel happy, excited, loved and protected. Now, how do I return this to him? I'll figure it out. Or... Ask him.
"Jerry?" I look up at him, noticing we're still hugging.
"Yes?" he glances down.
"You treat me so good. I want to return it. What can I do for you?"
He chuckled. What is it??
"Ma belle, your existence is enough for me, well maybe you would look prettier in your wedding dress in the future, I love you very much, you know? I never felt like this before, i’m glad we met. I promise you i'll never leave you." he smiled.

It's like he can read minds.
I blushed again, and smiled at him and left a quick kiss on his lips, and when I wanted to rest my head on his chest, he pulled away, but gently grabbed my chin, making me look in his eyes. I felt like a tomato. He looked so pretty, his face was so close to mine, he's going to--

"Adelina!" I hear Anne shout from a distance.


A/N: Hey everyone, I posted late again, I know, I'm sorry. :')
Kinda running out of ideas, but i'd gladly accept the ideas you readers got! And--
Thanks so much for the views and likes, I really hope you all enjoy reading the story! ^^'
Have a good day/night! :)

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