Chapter 2: After the crash (Progressing)

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From a far distance, what could be seen is all but a blurry image. Though, the outlines of the shapes and features do make out the image bluntly seen at a far. Buildings were glazed in a disastrous state as charcoal black smoke emitted out of the building floors through shattered and, now broken transparent windshield glasses. Huge skyscapers that reach massive heights no longer stood firm, neatly as they were before.

Even so, this buildings and any type of structures due in time fall to the heaviest of situations.

Near the side corners, smaller structures built entirely out of brick and concrete from previous years, in the old era, come crashing down into oblivion. The old framework such as the poles or stems of cemented pillars deteriorated over time have become weak, feeble at its core. With the chaos upstairs coming from all the fire spreading inside weakening the other pillers strains the capacity and capabilities of the lower pillers strengths, there in its last stance one crack at a time, the pillers below meet their match, then a snap occurs. The height of each pillers simultaneously combust like a watermelon exploding strain from multiple rubber bands, encircling its radius or sides, therefore the floors come lying down flat on the ground.


At a much further distance, the horizon can be seen from both ends when the metropiltan faded away into obscurity - beyond reach.

Gliding in the air, the cool breeze in the atmosphere hits hard like a leaf blower. The sensation, if felt, gives off a sudden mild coolness. At its peak it becomes more extravagant. Not the coolness. But the beautiful sight of the blue skies, a little turquoise, but overall a resemblance of the blue pacific ocean, and beneath the surface is decorated in an expanse of marine-life.

Not to mention the fluffy clouds. Pillow clouds that have round, circular shapes with sharp narrow minded spikes, slowly as any other clouds float in an endless loop across the entire planet.

Just then out of nowhere, a beam trail of charcoal black mist like smoke invades the open, calm, and clear space in the sky.

Following the trail of smoke it leads down below.

Diving down into the surface, the presence there is met with hectors of an ever expending field of wheat grains, lengthy enough reaching the ends of the horizon. The wheat fields aligned in an array of square cubic area, hatching one form to anthor was separated into two sections. This separator was likely a road firmly stationed and maintained for the use of transportation.

It (wheat field grain) had a brownish textor bathed cleanly, which in turn was ripe, gave a heightened peak period for harvest. The rays of light it filtered through shined thoroughly vibrant, that magnetized a manner of delight accompanied with the sun rays.

Swiftly and decisively grooming through the wheat grain field. The void of the smoke trail was found.

A clear site beholded. Fiery, fierce flames blazed out in the open. The wheat field devastated at least a couple metres and was surrounded by metal pieces covering, bending, and laid waste on the land. The fire itself spit tonnes of heated energy concluded from the blazing, yellowish and sometimes reddish appearance while also emitting concentrated masses of pollutant gas into the sky, then to the atmosphere.

At a likeable moment, remnants of whatever that caused this incident was still lying around the burn area. Most of them were bodily corpses of dead people. Their bodies were either smeared in dirt or burnt by the excessive heat drawn from their close proximity at the site. What's more, the corpses were devastated, faces mutilated; disfigured; nor unrecognizable in an unconventional state along with disembodied limbs that laid rest near the corpses and some metres away from the site.

In the centre of the site, a huge torn contraption of black metal deposits itself right on the now ravaged field. Shattered window frames. Front cockpit crushed and smashed. Tail rotor split in half. And the main rotor blades clipped right off the center piece.


About a couple metres away from were the helicopter crashed into smithereens, a lone corpse laid on a cleared, plain brush field of wheats.

Thoroughly analysing the body, no scars, bruises, cuts or mangled ulterior appears on sight of the body. It usually seems free of any sort of injuries that could be attached from the crash.

The corpse wore a fine, classic black suit, a white undershirt, and a long grey gentleman underwear. It's hear was overall messy. So was the corpse's lying position as if it was just in with a crime, murder scene - upper limbs and lower limbs stretched, wiggled and lingered. In addition, the sun's ray shone brightly a spectacular streak of brilliance. This corpse faced the front, and its back laid on the ground. Slowly, and slowly the lights landed on the corpses face, then the eyes that were closed shut; unable to open in any sort of way (because it's dead, right). Suddenly, a little activity rolled just at that moment.

The eye's slightly responded with light flicks.

Chapter 2: After the crash

This chapter is still in progress.
And so sorry for the late update. Had a lot of other things to take care of.

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