Number 13

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"Y/N listen. Your siblings told us you've been going out with Ao'nung." Father said. "What?! You said you wouldn't tell!" I yelled at them. "Y/N we don't want you dating him. He's-" "it's not your choice who I date!" I yelled at father tears falling down my face. "Y/N do not speak to your father like that!" Mother yelled at me. "Neytiri calm down." Father shushed her. "We want you to mate with a girl or at least someone from the ometicaya clan." Father said. "Why are you trying to control me!" I yelled standing up and storming out of the Marui. I heard my family yelling at me to come back but I couldn't but the time I had calmed down i was at the shore line. It turns out I had walked my way to the shore. I called  my Ilu. I decided to go somewhere quite to think over what just happened. I ended up on the outer banks. I called my Ilu to come back but it wouldn't. "I guess I'm staying here." I said to myself sniffling. I went into the bush and found a rock in front of a tree. I sat down on the rock and thought about what happened. "They promised me they wouldn't tell them. They promised!" I said to myself crying. My tears stung my eyes. I started to close my eyes telling myself I would only close my eyes for a moment. I closed my eyes.

I woke up in a strange room I was in a small bed. I stood up rubbing my head with my hands. I looked around the rooms it was white with mirrors on the walls. I felt the walls. I could hear talking on the other side. I started yelling banging against the walls. I heard a click I looked around seeing quaritch walking in. "Y/N hello." He said with an evil grin. "What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled at him. I felt around to grab my blade and it wasn't there. "We took your blade." He said. "How are you alive I watched mothe slit your throat!" I hissed. He rubbed his neck. It had a bandage on it. "You mother didn't cut deep enough." He said. "Listen kid we will let you go if you bring your father here that's all we want." He said. "Fuck off I wouldn't help you!" I hissed at him. "Your choice." He pulled a mask on as the room filled with green smoke. I looked around trying to find a way out of the room. I felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe as everything turned black. I woke up on the outside of the boat tied up again. "What the fuck!" I yelled. "This is bullshit I really need to stop falling asleep it keeps getting me in trouble." I said to myself. I looked around trying to see where I was. I could see the reef bank. That means we haven't moved great. I looked around in the trees. I could 6 pairs of eyes in the trees. It was them I could tell. I looked back to look at the boat. "Shit it's bigger than before." I said. No one was on the dock of the ship. I looked around. I even tried pulling the cuffs off but nothing worked. What the hell what am I supposed to do dude! It started to get quite the ship started slowly swaying. Some people came back out to grab me I hissed and bit some of them. They pulled me inside and took me to the top deck. I could hear people talking behind me. "What do we do with the kid he's useless!" I heard one of them say. "He's useful!" I could here another say. "He takes up to much room." The first one said. "What if we drop him somewhere his father is bound to come get him." One said. They all just stayed quiet until they all agreed. They waited till the evening before pulling me up and dragging me out. "Just leave me on a rock or something." I said to one of them. They didn't say anything. I wasn't speaking Na'vi was I? I had the tendency to occasionally speak Na'vi when I'm nervous. They dropped me onto a boat with two other people. They turned on the boat and started sailing. We were sailing further and further away from the reef. "What the fuck hey!" I yelled at them. They continued to be quiet as I yelled at them. When we stopped they picked me up and just dropped me in the water. They sailed away back to the ship at I just floated there. "Motherfuckers!" I yelled. I couldn't float for very long. I remember being told that there was Ikula out where I was. I looked around for any island or something to lean on. I started to panic. "Fuck me this is bullshit!" I didn't want to die today. I could see a wave coming my way. I tried swimming away but having straps on my legs and arms wasn't helping. It eventually hit me. I started sinking toward the sea floor. I started hitting rocks as I sunk. I could feel cuts appear as I sunk even deeper. I could hear sounds of splashing and yelling. I kept sinking. I started seeing lights. I could see my home with the ometicaya clan I could see my old friend Ekx'el. I really miss her. We used to laugh together I'd tell her everything. I wish I could've told her about me and Ao. I really miss Ao and I wasn't able to make it to our date. He said he had a really romantic place to go. He probably went to ask Tsireya for a place. I wonder if his parents would've excepted us. I kept reminiscing on them. I started to black out finally hitting a rock on my head.

I need some suggestions for my future chapters. I'm already writing the next chapter and it's in Ao'nungs pov.

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