Kyuu ji

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I woke up to sounds of snoring. And this ass said I snored. I kissed him on the forehead and then went off to the water to see if I could see the reflection of myself. I wanted to check out my neck to see if it would scar. "Whats with your tail my love?" Ao'noung had woken up. He tapped the edge of my tail or now tail. "Ow! Don't touch it's sensitive!" I hissed. "What happened my love?" He continued. "Qauritch cut it off." "Qauritch?" "Yes a sky person or something.". He walked out I front of my with his hand on my shoulder.
"I'll kill him for touching my love."
"He's already dead mother slit his throat.". His eyes were wide as he looked at me with are 'are you serious?' Look. "He also gave me the cut in my neck.". "How is your neck." He held my chin up with his hand. "I think it will be fine it may scar a little though." He kissed.
"Can we go back to the mainland now."I said leaning my head into his hand. "Do you not like me?" He pouted. "Yes I do not like you..I'd say I love you." I put my hands on his cheeks and squeezed them. "Well I'm not sure I like you either."
"You don't?!" "No I love you baby."
"Mhm?" "Don't you believe me baby?" "I do and I like the sound of that.". I pulled him into a hug. "Okay let's go back." I let go of him and pulled him into the water. He called his Ilu and got on. He pulled me up I front of him and slowly started to guide the Ilu towards the exit. "Mother is gonna kill me if she finds out we bonded." I complained leaning my body towards Ao'noung. "Would you like to keep it a secret?"
"I would but I also wouldn't." I closed my eyes listening to the breathe of him as we slowly glided to the main island. "Then what would you like my love."
"I would like to be with you everyday and I would like our parents to get along!"
"Well then we might as well break up." "What?! No I don't want that!"
"I'm just joking lovely. I don't want to break up."

"Well you snore!" "What?" "You snore you were vibrating the whole cavern while you were asleep!" "Sure sure. It was totally me and not you." "I swear it was I woke up and you were like snoring I swear I should've chocked you!" I started to plant kisses along his neck. "Look love I will admit I snored if you admit that you do the same thing."
I'm most definitely not going to do that absolutely not! I continued to think about it for a couple minutes. "My sweetums you snore admit it."
"Fine I snore but you do to!"
"I do, Tsireya complained about it when we were young." He chuckled. "You know you get so red when you see me." He continued.
"I what? I do not!" I said. "How about you stop denying things I say?" He suddenly stopped the Ilu and I fell off. I fell into the water. "You asshole you did that on purpose!" I yelled at Ao'noung. "We're here Y/N." I looked around and saw the main land. My siblings on the beach. "Shit"

We all sat in a group with my siblings telling me and telling me how worried they were. "You didn't do it did you?!" Lo'ak yelled. "No we didn't Lo'ak." Ao'noung replied. "I wasn't asking you boy I was asking my brother." Lo'ak growled. "Lo'ak be nice to Ao'noung!" I hissed. "We were worried, We all agreed that we'd come back to the mainland but you stayed out with this chum and did it!" Lo'ak accused. "We didn't do it we just kissed a little and maybe.." "maybe? Maybe what Y/N?" Neteyam looked at me worried. I pinched Ao'noung to kind of say to tell them.
"We did Tsaheylu." Ao'noung pulled me to his side. "You what?! Mother is going to kill you Y/n!" Kiri yelled. "We won't be telling mother we'll keep it a secret." I assured them. They all had worried faces. "Fine then but you are to young for children!" Neteyam and Lo'ak both growled looking at Ao'noung. "We won't be having children anytime soon." Ao'noung assured. "Ok we believe you." Kiri said very suspicious. "Now we have to go back to our Marui." Everyone stood up and waited as I said goodbye to Ao'noung. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. We all walked back to the Marui.

We walked in as father and Tuk were napping and mother was making lunch. "Y/N let me look at you." Mother was clearly worried about me as she started looking at the cut and my tail. "Your tail!" Mother exclaimed waking father and Tuk. "Huh what tail?" Father mumbled as he looked around the room my siblings all sitting and judging me from where they sat. "Look at your sons tail!" Mother grabbed him pulling him towards me. "How could you not notice this your child's tail is gone!" Mother growled at father. "What happened to your tail my child?" Mother asked with a worried face. "Quaritch cut it off. It was whipping his face and he got pissed off." Lo'ak explained. "I was past our when he did it so I didn't know it happened until I woke." I spoke. Mother continued to growl father and wrap up my tail up as well as my neck. "Do not get this wrap dirty child ok and do not over exert yourself either!" Father said finally letting me out the Marui. I left the Marui. I started fidgeting with the necklace as I walked around seeing if I could find anyone I know. I started walking along the shore line hearing laughter from people I didn't know. I heard laughter that I recognised. It was Tsireya and Lo'ak. I hid behind a tree. I was clearly spying but it was worth it because Lo'ak was blushing. "What are you doing hm?" I heard someone whisper in my ear. I turned around and it was Ao'noung. "You shouldn't spy on people."  "Ao'noung he's blushing!" "Cmon Y/N let's go give them privacy." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into kiss. We walked over to the beach and swam out the the cove. "Shit." I said realising I got the bandages dirty. "Moms gonna kill me." "It's fine we can probably exchange them for the ones in my marui." I agreed and continued to swim as Ao watched from the shore line. I yelped as I felt something bite my foot. I looked down and it was a fish. "I'm being assaulted by a fish!" I yelled as Ao. He chuckled as I tried shaking it off. "Could you help! It won't come off!" I yelled at Ao, his stupid laughter continued as he swam over to me. "Stop moving baby." He struggled to pull of the fish. Eventually the fish let go and swam away. "You should've helped me in the beginning!" I hit Ao's shoulder. "Want a apology kiss?" He held me close. "Yes I want one." He chuckled as gave me a kiss.

𝘈 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘴Where stories live. Discover now