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Mother and Father sat us down.
"We were very worried about you and you should never have done that!" Mother growled. "We didn't want to lose another kid." Father said. The other kid was spider, he was taken by the sky people before we left home. "Ronal and Tonowari are happy that you saved they're son." Father continued. "Yeah and who said that Ronal?" I scoffed. We all knew full well that Ronal did not like us at all, we were demons to her.. monsters even. "Let's not talk like that. Cmon we're here for a family meeting so let's hear it." Kiri said. We all sat down for around an hour or two.

"What aren't we meant to do?"
"Go out of the reef."
"Good now-"
We heard drums in the distance. We all stood up and walked over to the shoreline. We saw Na'vi rush to shore and into the ocean on they're Ilu's. "The Tulkun's have returned!" Tsireya yelled from her Ilu. Tsireya yelled for me and Kiri to get our Ilu's and go with her. I looked at father for permission. He smiled and nodded. My brothers did the same. Tuk stayed with our parents as we ran off. Me and Kiri hoisted ourselves onto our Ilu's and went to find Tsireya. When we found Tsireya we were in a pod of Tulkuns. She was signing to a Tulkun. I still haven't mastered sign so I got Kiri to translate since she's better at it. "She's saying that she met a boy!" "And?.." "Oo she likes him!"  "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I smirked knowing full well who the boy was. We swam over to her and talked for a little about what was happening.

"So your telling me these Tulkuns come into your reef every year and they become your soul sisters?" Kiri asked. "Yes that's correct this is my soul sister. Everyone in our clan has one from when they are born..oh right! Ao'noung wanted to see you
Y/n!" Tsireya added. I asked her where he was and she said he should be on the shoreline behind they're Marui. I guided my Ilu through the water around many Tulkuns till I got to the back of they're Marui. Ao'noung was sitting on the sand with his leg all bandaged up. I jumped of my Ilu and ran over to him. "Oh thank Eywa your okay!" I grabbed and pulled him into a tight hug. "How are feeling are you okay?!" I questioned him. "You are seriously just like my father." He laughed. "I'm fine Y/N gladly it's just a fracture and not completely broken." I sighed in relief to hear that. "Oh! Right here I made this for you!" He pulled out a necklace with pearls laced into it. "That's very nice but I thought it was for someone special or something?"
"Do you not want it sweetums and after all the work and effort I put into making this for you, you decline." He pouted. "Hey hey that's manipulation!" I yelled taking the necklace. "How do I put this on?..". Ao'noung laughed and pulled me closer to him so he could put it on me. He pulled back looking at the necklace. "It looks amazing!"
"It looks lovely on you." He smiled. I feel like I'm being treated as a girl. "He don't treat me like a girl I'm a very-" "yes a very manly man. I know." He put his hands on my cheeks and gently placed his lips against mine. Once he pulled away I started giggling. "Why are you giggling sweetums?" Im very very anxious. I got up and just walked away. I could hear Ao'noung laughing while getting up and trying to walk back up to me. "Why'd you run away sweetums?" He laughed "I'm so red right now aren't I?" I covered my face with my hands. "I can't tell your ears are very red though." "Stop laughing.."
"Hah ok ok come on let's go somewhere less public." He pulled me by the arm and dragged us off. 

"Where are you taking me?" I was able to finally calm down my face. "We're going to my secret place, my..how do I say this. Man cave?" "Hah! Man cave?!" I laughed. "Hey don't laugh!" He started to become red. "How far is this 'man cave' of yours?" I smirked, "right here now we've probably gotta swim out to it a little, since it is high tide." He let go and jumped into the water. I did the same and swam out with him trying to keep up, but clearly I couldn't. Even with a fractured leg he still swims better than me.
By the time we got to his 'man cave' I was puffed out of breathe. "Haha wow you really have bad stamina don't you?" Ao'noung laughed dragging me out of the water huffing and puffing. "I need to get..wait wait.." I was really tired. "Heh come on." He pulled me deeper into the cove and sat me down. He went off to grab something and came back with water and some food. "Are you okay sweetums?" "Mhm I'm fine just very very tired!" I sighed.
"Want something to help with that poor stamina?" Before I could say something like 'huh?' Or 'what?' Placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. He repeatedly pressed his lips against mine, no tongue. He pressed himself against me and me against him.

"Ok let's stop." He pulled away.
He lay down beside me on the rocks. "This is a nice place you've got here Ao'noung, how'd you find it?" He turned over to face me. "I found it while I was around 5 years old it was while mother and father were caring for Tsireya as a baby. And I wondered off." He smiled. "Aon, that's your new nickname!"
"Wow that's very?..unique!"
"Ha ha very funny."
"Yeah yeah sweetums."
"Just sleep!"
He pulled me into a hug and we went to sleep.

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