Juu ni ji

416 15 2

"You know what this means." Neteyam said. "We're going to have to move and leave again." Lo'ak whined. "We're finally feel happy and now we have to move again." Kiri said. "I don't want to leave." Tuk said holding onto Net's arm. "I like it here I'm happy." I said. "Think about the positive guys we can learn more about the next clan we go to." Neteyam tried to cheer us up. I fidgeted with my necklace that Ao'nung made me. I remembered all the things we did him teaching me how to ride the Ilu's, us swimming together, our nights in the cove laughing, him giving me a stupid nickname and more. I really didn't want to leave again I feel safe here with everyone. I stood up "We need to do something about this! We can't let them drive us out of our home again!" I yelled at the others. "We need to finally kill them off once and for all and make sure they never come back. Give them a message to never come back!". Everyone looked at me as if I had anger in my eyes. They all looked at each other with a concerned faces and then back at me. "You have a fair point little brother." Neteyam finally broke the silence. "We need to get back our home from those invaders." Lo'ak cheered. "We need a plan before we do that." Kiri said. "Then let's make one!" I said.

"Okay here's the plan we will get fathers guns-" "No! They're to loud we need to use our bows and blades. It'll be quieter and we'll be more discreet." I cut in while Lo'ak was talking. "good idea we'll use bows and blades. We'll ride out on our Ilu's. Y/N you need an Ilu." Lo'ak said. "I'll get Ao'nung to get me one tomorrow." I said. "Okay." Lo'ak continued "we climb aboard the ship and we, you know." Lo'ak made a slicing of the throat motion. "We kill everyone on board and one of us has to figure out how to get the ship to turn sail away and maybe most likely get it to crash into a reef somewhere. We can get Payakan to help us." "Do you think we could ask Ao'nung to help us we'll need as much power as we'll need." "Maybe ask him tomorrow." Net said. "Now everyone sleep." We all lay down and fell asleep.

I woke up alone in the Marui. I got myself up walking into our parents Marui and seeing everyone but Lo'ak. Lo'ak must be with payakan. I sat down next to father and Neteyam. "Eat child." Mother handed me one of the fruits me and Ao'nung had grabbed while our yesterday. I ate the fruit before excusing myself from eating and went out to find Ao'nung. I saw him feeding the Ilu's and teaching the children of the clan. He started helping them board the Ilu's and guiding the Ilu's around for them and finally letting them all go and swim around themselves. I walked over to Ao'nung covering his eyes. "Guess who?" "I don't know? Who is it?" He laughed. "Guess!" "Are you beautiful?" "I think so." "Well then is it my beautiful Y/N?" He grinned turning around. "My sweet sweet love how are you this fine morning?" He said as he pulled my hand to his cheek and caressed my face with the other. "I would like to ride another Ilu. I know it has only been a few months since my old one died but-"
"No it's fine my love everyone moves on eventually. It's your time." He said. He pullede into the water calling over an Ilu. "You know what to do." He said. I pulled myself onto the Ilu connecting my queue to the Ilu's. "now just like last time listen to the breathing of the Ilu and feel the Ilu. Now ride." He let go of the Ilu as I swam with the Ilu. Then the Ilu stopped. It flung me forward into the water. I heard Ao'nung laugh as he swam over to me. "This one's a little unpredictable sorry my love, would you like to try another one?"
"No it's fine I'll deal with it."
"Oi you skxawng! Don't touch my brother!" I heard Neteyam yell.
"Oh shut it Neteyam your just sad I got someone and you haven't!" I yelled back. "Sorry about him Ao."
"It's quite fine my love." I have to ask him now or I'll forget. "Ao I have something to ask." I said to him fidgeting with his hands. "Yes my sweet?" He said. "Do you maybe want to join me and my siblings tonight. We're planning on destroying the ship. I understand if you don't want too! Its just we think that more people helping the easier and faster we it is." He was silent for a while. I was scared to hear what he wanted to say. "Fine." He said. "Really!" I pulled him into a hug. "Only if we can go on that date tonight we weren't able to go on it yesterday. I nodded profusely squeezing him tighter. "Okay okay! You gonna break me love." He laughed. He hugged me back giving me a squeeze. "I will plan the date I know a great place." He said. I told him what we were going to do and what weapons we were going to use. I made sure no one heard us while I was saying this. I finally said good bye as he needed to set up the date. I kissed him and walked off the the Marui to tell my siblings. "So guys guess what!" I said as they all sat together in silence. I looked inside where mother and father were waiting, most likely for me to come. "Sit Y/N we need to talk to you." Father said as the others gave me a look to tell me they had done something. I sat down next to Neteyam. "Y/N listen."

𝘈 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘴Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon