chapter 61

411 15 3

-july 4th 1985-

-reader's pov-

the armed russians stalked around the silent mall before approaching a certain food store, where their targets were hiding. until they quickly spun around at the abrupt sound of the displayed car's alarm wailing and honking. the men looked at it with utter confusion before pointing their guns up at me.

"HEY! LOOK WHAT MY GIRLFRIEND CAN DO!" I shouted out to them teasingly before el thrusted her arm out and sent the car hurtling. the vehicle collided with all of the men, knocking them over like skittles at a bowling alley, before crashing to the floor.

four figures slowly rose up from behind the counter, steve, dustin, steve's coworker and.. erica sinclair, lucas' little sister?? they turned up to find the party stood at the balcony above. with me, excitedly pointing at el whilst mouthing, 'she did that!'

the two groups rushed to meet, I still had el's arms around my shoulder due to her still being in pain.

"you flung that thing like a hot wheel!" dustin laughed as he sprinted over and engulfed us both in a friendly hug.

"-lucas?" erica exclaimed whilst dustin pulled out of the hug.

"-what are you doing here?" lucas cried out.

"ask them, it's their fault." erica sassily replied.

"true, yeah. totally true, it's absolutely our fault." steve said sarcastically.

"jeez, steve. you've obviously been through the wars." I pointed out, referring to his large black eye.

"-yeah, well. darn russians-" steve sighed typically.

"-I don't understand what happened to that car." steve's nameless coworker cut in.

"el and y/n have superpowers." dustin casually informed.

"-I'm sorry?" the coworker's eyebrows creased.

"superpowers, telekinesis." dustin explained, "they can move stuff with their mind."

"-that's el?" erica quizzed as she pointed at eleven.

"-who's el?" the coworker added.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" nancy asked the coworker.

"-I'm robin, I work with steve." she replied.

"-she cracked the top secret code." dustin added.

"yeah, which is how we found out about the russians in the first place." steve said.

"russians? those were russians?!" jonathan remarked.

"some of them, yeah." erica shrugged.

"what are you talking about!" lucas exclaimed.

"didn't you hear our code red? y/n, you literally picked up!" dustin cried out.

"-yeah and it was glitchy as fuck." I told him.

"goddamn low battery." dustin shook his head sadly.

"how many times do I have to tell you with the low battery!" steve loudly groaned.

"well, everything worked out, didn't it, steve?" dustin said.

"-worked out?" erica retorted, "we almost died."

"yeah, but we didn't, did we?" dustin replied.

"it was pretty damn close though." steve muttered.

"so like, you're.. mike? lucas? will? max? y/n?.. nancy? jonathan? and.." robin recalled as she pointed to each person, "where's el?.."

suddenly, a loud grunting and thudding noise came from the near distance.

"EL!" I called out whilst racing to her fallen body and kneeling down, "what's wrong?"

"my leg, my leg." she sobbed, quickly jonathan rolled up her trouser cuff. everyone gagged in horror as her healing leg began to wriggle as if something was inside it.

"holy shit, holy shit.." I breathed whilst softly stroking el's head to calm her distress. but she began to loudly wail and grunt through clenched teeth, "EL? EL? ARE YOU OKAY? EL! EL!" she then let out one deafening scream that silenced the mall.


el continued to scream and sob as she dealt with the excruciating pain in her left leg. the flesh began to sizzle and move about even more.

"what is that?" erica asked in disgust.

"-I don't know, but there's something in there.." I responded whilst I kept trying my best to calm el.

"jesus christ.." dustin uttered as the insides of her leg began to shift around even more.

"keep her talking, keep her awake, okay?" jonathan announced before leaping up and sprinting in the direction of a food stall.

"um, um.. el, el? do you remember that one time earlier this year,
w-when we showed hopper that scary movie a-and, he got so scared he- he screamed really loud, and i-it was so funny?" I rambled out but it was so distressing to see her in this much agony. she weakly nodded in response and a very quiet giggle left her lips.

"h-hey, and, uh.. it's not too bad,
b-because there was a- the goalie on my soccer team, beth wildfire." robin told her story at a fast pace, "this other girl slid into her leg, and the whole bone came out of her knee- six inches or something. it was insane."

"whoa, that's crazy.." I exclaimed under my breath, but robin heard. jonathan then came running back over, a wooden spoon and knife in hand.

"hold on, you're gonna.. slice her leg wide open?!" I exclaimed as my eyebrows raised.

"well, have you got any better ideas?" jonathan replied rhetorically, and I just stayed silent. he then knelt down beside el's leg, "alright, el? this is gonna hurt like hell. so, here's this.." he handed me the wooden spoon and I held it up to el's mouth, she gnawed down on it with a strong force, "you might wanna squeeze someone's hand or something, I don't know."

el then quickly found my hand and slipped her hand into my own before squeezing, tighter than ever before. I wanted to wince but I knew I had to get on with it, because this was for el.

jonathan held the sharp knife at el's leg, the whole room shared a nervous glance before jonathan sliced through her flesh. eleven let out a pained scream as she dealt with the unbearable pain.

"el, el, I'm here, it's okay, it's okay.." I lightly soothed to her as I rubbed my thumb upon the back of her hand, "just concentrate on the pattern that my thumb moves, okay?" the screaming still continued as jonathan dropped the knife with a clatter but I could tell el was focused on my thumb a little.

hesitantly, jonathan inserted his gloved fingers into el's cut, she howled in pain and a few tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched.

"j-jonathan!" I croaked, knowing that this was too much.

"stop taking!" he ordered before his fingers began to slip around even more in el's open cut.

"NO! STOP IT!" el demanded before dropping the spoon and loosening her grip on my hand, "STOP!" jonathan pulled his fingers out of the wound, "I can do it, I-I can do it.." el trembled before sitting up. she held her hand out, hovering it above her bloodied leg. she grunted in pain as her flesh began to shift around.

"GOD! GOD!" she cried out and a chittering noise came from her leg. with one final long screech, she began to pull the mini creature out of her leg. the glass window behind us shattered to pieces due to the extreme extent that el was using her powers to. the wriggling creature left her cut and she levitated it midair, in front of her face, inspecting it. before she made it tumble off, into the distance. it splatted to the tiled floor and it began to crawl away before it was completely crushed by a large, heavy boot.

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