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The next day when Minho entered the college everyone was whispering and snickering while looking at him.

His eyebrows went furrowed at that as he saw the glances everyone was throwing at him.

Some were mocking, some were judging and some were just sympathic.

Minho was hella confused.

He was about to go and ask someone about it when the diva of the college walked up to him.

She stands infront of him while twirling her dyed blonde hair around her index finger.
"I didn't knew you were such a wild man, Min."

She smirks and steps forward to trace his face with her long nail.

The same nails she once hurt Peter with.

Minho pushes her hand away harshly when he realize that.

"Don't touch me."

She scoffs.

"Don't act innocent. Everyone know what you did with that weird boy Peter. I didn't know you were gay. But the pictures all over the notice board in arts quarter for every eye to see, says otherwise."

Minho face went pale at that and before she could speak more, he had already made a run for the other building.

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Pictures. The picture were pasted all over the green board with extremely sultry and downgrading captions below them.

Whore, F*g, fatty, and many more.

They were not just pictures, they were picture of Peter in his underwear.

There were several shots of him changing clothes in what seems like a locker room as there were benches present there— some of them included him in very questionable positions. But All of them were candid, which concluded that someone else took them. But the main shock was the signature written at the very bottom of the board.

Special Photos by Lee Minho.

Minho heart was beating rapidly against his chest because he knows that writing. His eyes were teary as he stared at the chaos infront of his eyes.

Without wasting a second he rushes
forward and starts ripping every photo off the board.

He shreds each single photocard into pieces making sure the scenes it held were not visible to eyes anymore.

His cheeks were strained with tears. Nose red and lips trembling.

"I'm so sorry Peter. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't protect you from my own friends."

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