{4}- Deus lo Vult | Partner in Deicide

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I stood outside of the room where my junior rested, waiting for the higher-ups to finish their award ceremony. I bet that Tanya is sort of both happy and confused at the same time, considering that the Silver Wings Medal is so great that most of their recipients are only the deceased.

I took out my Mind Revealer - the first of the three tools that is crucial to my success in this world, crafted by my clones and designed by myself. The Mind Revealer's purpose is literal - its telepathy without restrictions. I dared not to try out the 'send' function in the field yet, as it's extremely risky. Putting on the goggles, I observed the minds of the officers in the room through the slit in the door left open by the higher-ups, and they had nothing but praise for Tanya's achievements going on through their head.

Tanya, on the other hand, is absolutely despairing over the current situation. Understandable, but it would be a complete waste of my efforts if she just dies in the beginning - hell, I want to be the guy 50 years later to describe my time with the 'Eleventh Goddess', or so they called her.

"Second Lieutenant Tanya Degurechaff." An officer began speaking, reading off of his script. "During the battle with the Entente Alliance, you detained enemy forces until reinforcements arrived. Despite serious wounds, four confirmed kills and two unconfirmed, halting the enemy's advance."

At this point, Tanya's sheer dismay of her being treated like an ace was too hilarious that I had to take off my Mind Revealer (not that I needed it anyways) - and I picked up a call from Ida.

"Y/N. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Ida. I'm just making sure my junior's okay. And you know what they gave her? The Silver Wings Assault Medal!"

A gasp can be heard from Ida, who rarely expresses any emotion. "Then your junior must be very accomplished. I've heard that all recipients of that award is dead by the time it's presented, with only their hat and rifle at the ceremonies."

"Yeah, she's real lucky... anyways, how's the Justice Cross coming along?"

"Alpha and Beta reported that production is almost complete. We've harnessed the divine energy signals and managed to recreate our own. Using the principle of the Deep Core Compass that you have, they said that it is possible to run tests in about a few weeks."

"Great. Then I'll hear back from you later. Zwei out."

By the time I finished, the officers started to walk out. I bowed in respect to some of the seniors, and one of them came up and shook my hand. "Thank you, Captain von Zwei."

"Heh? But Major, I didn't really do anything this time around."

"Don't be so humble, Captain von Zwei. I've heard from the soldiers of Norden that you had taken out an entire battalion back there, before rushing over to rescue the new ace. It's thanks to you that she sustained minimal injuries, after all, as the fall from the sky would've damaged more parts of her body."

"Oh, yeah...right. It's always a pleasure to be of use to the Fatherland. I was just merely doing a soldier's duty."

"Thank you again, then. Take care, Captain."

"You take care too, Major."

With that, they walked off out of the hospital, and I heard one of them murmur something interesting. "Youngsters these days are really stepping up their game. Speaking of which, I'm wondering why the Saint of Heresy hasn't gotten his own badge yet..."

What a great question. Where are my Silver Wings? I don't particularly wish for the attention, as I'm more of a Science and Engineering Unit worker... ah, maybe that's why. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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