{2}- The Land of Reich | War Torn World

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Note: this story is based off the LN/manga storyline. Why? Because it has better plot and the anime renditions of the characters suck. And they made Anson and Weiss look absolutely horrible, not to mention Mary Sue. Jesus I thought she was actually horrible after watching the movie but in the manga she looks way better. 

And we all know manga Tanya smiles the best.

So that's that.


Welcome to the land of the Empire, our fatherland!!!

Yeah, I'm totally not in Nazi Germany.

No, I'm quite serious. With this current state of war and nationalism, the chance of a 'Hitler' rising to power just doesn't exist, even Carlo confirmed it.

But that makes quite the awesome world for me to exploit and conquer.

Not that being in an eleven-year old's body is going to help me with anything...

Fortunately, I had something to speed up my rise through the ranks of the empire.

And aside from what was called 'Divine Blessing' from the cursed Being X, my Deep Core Compass was with me. All I needed to do was get into the Science facility, become a 'top brass' within a short period of time before Tanya gets enrolled, and all will go according to plan.

Now... let's allow myself to... age-skip a little, let's say.



When I was first found by the two soldiers on that battlefield, my body was around 8 years old. Now after 3 whole years, I was 11, and the plan was 90% complete.

The details? Very juicy, juicy details.

You see, when the two soldiers found me, it was only the pre-war period where no 'war' was officially declared yet. It was a simple skirmish among the borders, but it was still brutal enough for people to start using artillery. 

The two who found me were called Stefan and Klaus, who served as my early mentors when I was first introduced to the imperial academy. After a while, however, they went to the front lines as soon as the war started, since they were very experienced military men. Sadly, they perished during the first few months, dying to an artillery shell. 

I couldn't even hope to revive them as their souls would've passed on and their body would not even be close to where I could analyze their cells. Anyways, I'm not rushing into the battlefield to activate the compass and start massacring crowds just to find them. Brave men, they were indeed. But for the moment, it was too late for me to even do anything. I attended their funeral along with their families, since we did spend a few months together in the beginning.

With that, I vowed to never let another person who has helped me die again.

Within a year into military training's accelerated course, I passed with flying colours and was bestowed with a rank of Third Lieutenant after gaining my first 10 kills at the age of 10. At this point, there was still a few things left to do: secure my job in the science department, and continue to rise higher in the ranks. 

With enough authority at this point, I submitted an academic essay regarding something that would boost and revolutionize the industrial situation of the Empire: new energy sources.

Wind turbines were not unknown at this point, but I didn't want to just jump straight to nuclear fuel, as that has a high chance of something going wrong and then me ending up being responsible for it. So, I settled on solar energy and decided to promote Photovoltaic Cells.

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