The Tide Changes, Chaos Ensues

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Luffy woke up first, being comfy and warm as he saw that the girls laid around him in the bed still. He gave a snide and didn't wish to get out of bed. He wasn't even hungry which was strange. Instead, he reached over Margaret's head to see his Strawhat was on her.

"Mawh... Phew" he blew on a crazy cow's lick hair she had, smiling tenderly as she had a bright face that told him she was happy in some dream. He took his hat back and sighed.

He stuck out his neck to coil it like a snake to see Ran was murmuring besides Margaret while looking behind himself to see Rindo was pressed closely to his neck, her lips touching behind him that made his head recoil back.

He turned around and without disturbing anyone, hugged Rindo as she was rather cold. He brushed his feet to hers and covered her more to rub his body to hers.

"Cold... Come here." He cooed as Rindo suddenly opened her eyes.

"Brrfffhhh... My sweat made me freeze over. Good morning?" She asked, kissing Luffy as he felt his cheek pecked lovingly. He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. I hope today will be a good day" he said, making Rindo realize that he wasn't in a good mood. He was sad. So she kept silent and hugged the man, feeling his hands trace her back as she did his to find some comfort which she respected and just dozed awake with his arms over her as Luffy was distant.

He was worried. Very sickly indeed.


Margaret, Ran, and Rindo all left the mountain side house with Luffy in front.

He seemed alright but his eyes reflected a desperate and grim sensation that told the girls he wasn't alright in the least bit. So Margaret stayed with him, holding his hand as Luffy couldn't rest after waking up.

All he held now between himself and Margaret was a Den Den Mushi. The pink shell with multiple varied red stripes that slept besides the captain, wishing his crew had picked up as he checked 10 times already.

No one picked up. By now, Luffy looked angry and alone. Even as he turned to see Margaret beside him, she looked to his eyes and wished to express that she felt his anguish and wanted to do anything to stop it. But she knew that to end his glum mood, his crew must appear. That was beyond anything she could do.

So even as she brushed up against his arm, her hair tickling his left shoulder, Luffy was visibly unshaken as he sat with his knees in front of him and hugging his legs close. But he wasn't as cold to be uncaring. He instead let her lean to him while he did the same, imagining Nami smiling as well his entire crew. Wishing that they would come here already.


A voice called his name and made Luffy turn behind him to see Hancock, wearing her same Empress attire. She held her hands to her abdomen and had a struggling grin as she saw Margaret so close to him, practically the entire island was gossiping that they were together. This of course brought a plethora of emotions that the Empress couldn't control.

But now she felt sadness in seeing such a jolly man like him be so negative and under the weather. It wasn't right. So she mustered the courage to talk to him despite glaring a bit to Margaret, who defiantly stayed by Luffy's side.

"We have the scouts at all corners... We haven't seen anyone get even miles close here. I'm... Sorry to report that" she said, making Luffy even more depressed as he looked to the Den Den Mushi.

That's when he felt Margaret let go and instead Hancock took her place, hugging his arm to make the pirate lean back and laid him over her thighs, sitting in a womanly manner that let Luffy look up to the shade of a tree he had a speckled view of the sun.

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