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Third Person:
The SCP's stared in shock at the MTF unit, not knowing wether to fight or make a break for it. "We will not hesitate to contain you monsters by force! Comply or we will be forced to sedate you!" The commander spoke. Before any of them could respond, Dr. Dan stepped out of the crowd of MTF's. Iguro immediately growled at the sight of him. The doctor smirked. "Sorry, but we can't exactly have you escaping. SCP's like you, 285, are far to valuable to loose. And it's not like you will ever be worth anything more than a disgusting monster. "Iguro's eyes widened with rage, followed by a grim look on his face. "Take that back you asshole!" Able yelled while pointing his blade at the man. "You know what I said about trying not to hurt anyone?" The SCP's looked up. "Fuck it."

"Keep a safe distance! Contain them with force if necessary!" Dr. Dan yelled. The SCPs began to attack and kill the MTF. 166 hid behind a broken pillar with TJ cradled in her lap, Able and Iguro were killing and injuring the MTF, and 953 was ripping out their organs, devouring them. 049 used his 'cure' on several personnel, and 035 showed no mercy, probably being the most sadistic of them all. An MTF came from behind and hooked a rope into Iguro's skin, pulling him to the ground. He hissed as he was muzzled. "Get your hands off of him!" 049 attacked the guard, his eyes glowing a deep red. Iguro sat up and stared in shock. "Damn doc, I didn't think you had it in ya!" He said with a smile. The plague doctor sighed , Extending a hand to the male. "I will do more for my friends then you think." He said. Iguro stood up and sighed. "Is everyone alright?." He asked. The SCP's nodded, TJ gripping onto Iguro's side. "Now we make a break for it!" 035 yelled with a smirk. "No, we are not going yet." Iguro said firmly. Most of the SCPs groaned in annoyance. "And why is that?" Able asked his friend. Iguro sighed. "Do you really think 'just find an exit and leave' is going to work? This is the foundation we're talking about! And their not going to stop until we're back in our containment cells. Therefore, we need a solid plan." The male explained. The others remained silent. "He is not wrong. It would be reckless of us to go into this blind sighted." The plague doctor added. 035 whimpered playfully. "You promised we would be able to escape soon enough, babe!" He said while hugging the doctor from behind. He blushed in embarrassment, trying to get the mask off of him. Able and Iguro snickered at the two. "Their totally in love." Able said while putting a hand on his hip. The smaller male agreed nodding his head. "Ah yes, gays." Iguro said in a playful tone. The two laughed, high-fiving one another.

"Alright, enough you two." Iguro said while pulling 035 off of 049. The mask flipped Iguro off as he walked away. "If I remember correctly, the control room shouldn't be to far from here. Let's head in there and discuss our plan." SCP 049 said. The rest nodded and followed behind him, making sure the coast was clear. They all stepped inside the trashed room, covered in blood stains. Iguro turned his head towards claw marks along the walls and ceiling. He narrowed his eyes at the sight. "682 must have been here." Iguro said to the others. The SCP's nodded and sat down on broken and torn couches. "So what's this 'genius' plan you have in mind?" 953 asked. Iguro just glared in response. "We're currently in the Euclid containment zone. So....there should be a layout of the place somewhere." Before the SCP's began to look around TJ stopped them. "Over here guys!" He shouted turned towards the wall.

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"Sheesh, this looks complicated

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"Sheesh, this looks complicated." 035 said. Iguro stared at the two maps, muttering things to himself. "Testing area A.....research cell 109-B......waste management and incinerator.....blah blah blah...." He kept a firm eye on the map. The SCPs just stared at him. "I think I might have an idea!" Iguro said, perking his tail up. "Let's hear it then." 049 said. He took a deep breath. "It's a little bit of a hunch, but hear me out." The SCPs waited in silence. "So, we're currently in the Euclid class zone meaning, we need to cross 3 different areas. First being the Keter containment zone, testing area-b, and then make it to the control room where we deactivate the security doors." He explained. "Great plan, let's go!" 035 said while walking out the door. The plague doctor quickly pulled him back into the room, smacking him on the head. "It's not that simple you know. First of all, we run the risk of encountering Keter class anomalies and second of all, we need at least a level three clearance card to get into the control room and certain research cells. And no, this control doesn't have the door controls." I explained. "This- isn't the first time you've done this, right?" 166 asked. "Of course it isn't." Iguro quickly responded. "Anyways, if we go through the research cells we have a lesser chance of being caught. We can also use the containment breach as a cover, most MTF's should be deployed around the sight already." The male explained. The others had a quick discussion before quitting  down. "Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me!" 953 said, her tails perked up. "Everybody in?" 166 asked. They all shook their heads and put their hands in the middle, ready to escape by any means necessary.

(Sorry you all had to wait so long, I've been really busy with school and trust me, 6th grade math in Spanish is not easy! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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