Dr. Dan

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Third person:
Dr. Bright sat at his desk finishing some paperwork assigned to him by the 05 council. He let out a bored sigh leaning back in his chair, wanting nothing more than to use his chainsaw cannon. "Dr. Jack Bright, please report to the sight director's office immediately." A voice over the loud speaker said. Dr. Bright scoffed. "What did I do this time?" He said to himself walking out the door. He made his way to the sight director and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He yelled. He entered his office and had a seat across from Dr. Daniel who smirked at him. Jack rolled his eyes. He knew how much of a homicidal maniac he was from the incident with SCP-096. "Ok look, I'm 'sorry' for trying to leash train 682! I just thought it would be funny!" Dr. Bright said with a confident smile. The sight director rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance. "Yes I heard about that....but that's not why I called you hear Jack." He explained. Dr. Bright paused and raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response. "I called you here to inform you of a duty swap. Dr. Dan will now be the one conducting experiments on SCP 285, and you will cover the documents recorded from those test, understood?" He finished. His eyes slightly widened and he looked at dr. Dan who was smirking. Dr. Bright clenched his fist in anger. "Y-yes....understood sir.." Jack said furrowing his eyebrows. The Director nodded and dismissed us both. "Aw, are you just mad that you can't work with 285's powerful abilities anymore?" Dr. Dan said playfully. "No that's not why. I am just aware of how much of a crazy bastard you are..." Dr. Bright said harshly. Dr. Dan frowned. "Are you really worried about 285? Or do you think I will accidentally kill him?" He said putting his hand on his chest. Jack growled at him in anger. "Things like that monster should not exist beside us. That's why they are locked up here. We can learn so much just by testing the limits of 285's regenerative properties." Dr. Dan stated. Dr. Bright still remained silent. "But I can't guarantee you that I won't cause him pain..." he said with an evil chuckle. Bright's eyes shot up at him with an angry glare. "Anyway, nice chatting with you!" Dr. Dan said while walking away. Dr. Bright unclenched his fist and sighed. Dr. Bright was aware of how cruel the foundation could be, as to how he was treated when he was first bound to SCP 963. The way the foundation broke up his family. He knew that Dr. Dan wouldn't hesitate to harm 285, and Jack genuinely felt sorry for the creature. Although he never showed it, he had a decent capacity for empathy.

Iguro sat blankly in his newly reinforced cell. He was disgusted with himself, and what he did. Despite all of this he still managed to think of the demon slayers and his master. "Master....what would you think of this...? Would you even accept me?" He muttered to himself. He hugged his knees close to his chest and sighed. The door burst open with Dr. Dan and two guards at his side. Iguro was used to this already so he calmly looked up. Dr. Dan looked him up and down and gave him a look of pity. Without hesitation he walked closer and looked down at Iguro. "Im your new head researcher, so get used to seeing me. Testing begins in a few minutes anyway..." he said with a smirk. Iguro weakly growled at him and ran his claw against the wall. Before he did anything else the guards pointed tranquilizers at him. He felt like an animal being controlled by its owner as he lowered his claws and looked away. "Good." Dr. Dan said.

I hate what I've become(SCP X demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now