But that idea disappeared once she heard a person singing. It was so alluring.

(Name) couldn't stop herself from going towards the voice, it was like her body had a mind of its own and she wasn't in control.


She kept repeating in her head but she just couldn't stop. She was so focused on trying to gain control she didn't realize she was right in front of the person.

"Your not a male..."it trailed examining (name)'s body.

(Name) wiggled her fingers and soon she could move her whole body. She took a breathe of relief and looked at the person making her back away.

"Your not human..." (name) trailed slowly backing away.

"Wait! Don't go!" The mermaid called out but (name) booked it not caring about the rain.

The mermaid tried singing again but (name) was too far away to hear it. She ran so fast she had made it back home in a few minutes.

She burst threw the shop doors out of breathe and even more wet than before.

"(Name)! My baby what happened, you look so scared" her mother ran to her and wrapped her in a protective hug.

"I-I saw m-mermaid" she breathe out exhausted from running.

Soon her legs gave in and she was on the floor with her mother hugging her dearly.

"There's no such thing as mermaids hunny maybe it was a person playing tricks on you, you poor thing" her mother cooed.

(Name) didn't feel like arguing and just agreed she knew what she saw so what was the point in trying to convince her mother when she obviously wasn't gonna believe her.

"Can you walk sweetie?" Her mother questioned.

(Name) nodded her head tiredly.

"You go change and I'll fix you some hot chocolate and a snack you must be starving" she told her and got up.

As (name) went to change she didn't notice her mother go to the telephone and starting dialing a number while looking serious.

"Joe it's back and I think it might be after (name) now" she whispered the last part.

After that she hung up the phone and went to making hot chocolate for (name).

"Hey mom" (name) walked in.

"Here you go sweetie" she gave her, her drink.

"Thank you" she gave her mom a smiled.

"I don't want you going by the ocean for a while " her mother told her but this time it felt different more serious.

"Trust me I didn't plan on it" (name) awkwardly laughed it off.

"(Name) I'm serious stay away" she warned.

"Mom seriously what's wrong" (name) questioned skeptical.

"Nothing just stay away okay? Promise me you'll stay away" she told her.

"Okay I promise" (name) replied eyeing her mother weirdly as she walked out.

"Just a person playing tricks she said" (name) mocked her mother.

Soon after she finished her drink she felt really tired and headed to bed unaware of the being in the ocean eyeing her home, and her threw the window.

"So pretty..." she whispered watching (name).

"I want her" she told herself.

The mermaid went back underwater and swam to her back to her home.

"Father! Father!" She called out to the king of the sea.

Yandere imagines Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant