A Blast From The Past, A Heros Journey (S2)

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Nobody pov

Team revolver was leaving school and heading back to the dorms

Jaden: guys I'm just saying I'm the MVP

Y/n: I took down their captain

Mya: yeah well that's expected you're our captain

Mia: she does have a point

Y/n: you guys won't let me have my win will you

Jaden&mya: nope!

The group laughed except for Lucia who was silent the whole time behind the group as everyone noticed

Jaden: hey say something

Y/n: like what good job on the tie

Mia: maybe something nicer

Y/n: why don't you guys say something, your girls

Mya: just because we're girls doesn't mean we understand each other, plus who the leader

They pointed at y/n

Y/n: tch!

Y/n slow down his pace and walk next to Lucia who is still quite

Y/n: hey Lucia

Lucia: yeah

Y/n: good job um...um

Lucia's eyebrow raised as she looked at y/n confused

Y/n: well I just wanted to say you... you are an asset to this team


She walked in front of her team as everyone looks at y/n

Y/n: you do better than

Team revolver got back to the dorms and walked into Jaden and y/n room

???: about time I was beginning to fall asleep

Jaden: hmm?

Y/n: oh shit, what are you doing here

???: visiting you of course

Jaden: wait I know you, ...that's right your Renna the genius duelist and developer

Renna: I am, now y/n I need to see your deck I've made some improvements that'll help

Y/n: sure

Y/n hands her his deck as everyone looked concerned

Mia: uh, y/n

Mya: you know this lady

Y/n: oh right, she's my older sister

Y/n: oh right, she's my older sister

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Everyone: SISTER!!!!???

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