I cant win.

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It seems like no one ever listens. So this book is gonna go on a hiatus until people fucking learn. If I say no rude sounding comments, I fucking mean it. Don't like it? Don't read. I'm trying to please everyone but it seems like I can never win. I just want to make people happy and write funny shit but I guess I can't have that either. Fuck me, I guess. Maybe I should just start from scratch and completely scrap everything I've ever written in this fucking book. If it'll make you guys happy, I'll do it. Like I've said before, I just want to write things and make people happy. It's just frustrating because it seems like nothing I do is good enough at frankly, it pisses me off. I'm genuinely trying and it's hard for me to write without someone picking it apart and making me doubt my own abilities.

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