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First day of kindergarten, ah, I can't wait !
Although inside I feel like this is going to be the worst day.. Okay (Y\N) pull yourself together! I'm sure the children won't be as bad as in the previous kindergarten, right? right...?

-We are honey, look how cute kindergarten is this! - Mom said as she got out of the car

-Yeah.. - I said

-Whats wrong sweetheart? Come one, it won't be that bad - Mom took my hand and we went to the teacher.

-Oh! you must be my new student! are you happy? - the teacher looked a little older, but it's probably just her hair, the rest of it was a little golden, she was wearing a blue bandana on neck.

-Yeah, good morning, my name is (Y\N)!

-Hello (Y\N)! I'm glad you joined us! Now, say goodbye to your mum and invite you inside !

It's that moment, I said goodbye to my mum
It's not like I didn't feel the stress anymore, I did, and it was huge.
After mum had time to wave to me, I went inside, it was warm and nice..
A lot of children were playing together, one puppy was not, it was a brown Chihuahua.
Even though I was scared, I walked over to him and said hello.

-Hi - I said

-Oh hey, are you new here I haven't seen you before? - he reply

-Yeah I'm (Y\N).. why don't you play with other kids?

-Oh.. I don't want to disturb them, they seem to be having a great time together, my name is Pretzel!

-Nice to meet you, Pretzel.. but I don't think you're bothering the other kids, I think you're just as needed as anyone!

-Thanks! But I don't like dog communication too much either - Pretzel started playing with the little car.

After a while, our teacher's voice interrupted us.

-Come here kids! We have a new person in our kindergarten, be nice, this is (Y\N) ! - said the teacher, then all the kids looked at me for a moment.

I was stressed again, they looked at me with crooked faces, it was terrible, but they spoke up anyway and started saying hello to me! Hi, hello, hello, Hi!

-Hi! - A blue puppy came to me


-Nice to meet you! I'm Bluey! I'm glad you joined our kindergarten we'll have a great time together!

-Ooh nice to meet you too Bluey! Are you Bluey Heeler? I've never seen such a breed!

-Oh Yeah! I am! I don't see your breed either, are you (Your dog breed)?

-Mhm! I am from another country, so you may not have seen this breed with your eyes.. By the way, I didn't expect so many kids to be nice to me so far, although it was the same in my previous kindergarten, and after that it was hell!

-Why hell?

-Um, it's a long story, and we've only known each other for a few minutes, so I'll probably tell you a little later?

-Sure don't worry! If you don't want to say, you don't have to! Hey, do you want to play with me and Chloe?

-Yes why not!

Me and Bluey started going to Chloe's, I don't remember who it was but I think it was a Dalmatian.
Bluey is nice so far, I didn't expect, I hope she won't turn out to be as terrible as my previous friend..

-Hey Chloe! - Bluey said - This is (Y\N), Can they play with us in restaurants?

-Well yes, they can, hi - Chloe told me

-Hi, so, what is this about?

-Oh yes! I am the chef who cooks food for you! I can also be a waiter, and you and Chloe are customers who ordered food! We can switch roles later - Bluey said

-I'm okay with that!

We started playing together, it was so much fun! We had fun for quite a while, then it was lunch time, I didn't know there was lunch here so my mum forgot to give me some food, I was a bit sad when I sat down at the table. Bluey sat next to me.

-Hey what happend? - she ask

-Mum forgot to give me food.. and I'm hungry!

-Don't worry! Dad made me tosts today, maybe you like cheese and ham tost? I can really give you this tost!


-Mhm! Here - Bluey gives me that tost

-But, why did your dad do that for you if you don't like it?

-I dunno, but he also made two others that are already my favorite!

-Cool! Thanks Bluey!

It's been a while, the day at kindergarten will soon be over, and Bluey and I were sitting on the kindergarten steps waiting for our parents.

-Soo... - Bluey starts - Why were you afraid that everyone here wouldn't like you?

-Oh.. well.. in my previous kindergarten they didn't like me for who i was and for my breed. they were mean to me all the time, they teased me, they made fun of me, it was awful! I didn't do anything to them and they acted like that, so I talked to mum about it, and we decided to look for another kindergarten together

-Woah! They were really rude! great that you made that decision to be here

-Hey, What are you talking about? - Chloe came over to us

-About nothing - I said

-Weeeellll.... Bluey? can we talk in private?

-Sure Chloe

Chole and Bluey started to walk a little further away from me, which was weird, Chloe seems like a nice girl..

Bluey POV

-What? Are? You? Doing? Bluey! - Chloe she started saying this as if she was nervous

-What is it about?

-Why did you spend the whole day with them? What about me? Are we not friends anymore?

-Chloe! We are! I really have no idea what you're talking about, are you jealous?

-Pff no!? It's just that some new puppy appears and you're already going to make friends with them, and you forgets about me, why is that?

-Listen, you are my best friend in the whole world! Nobody and nothing will change you! And they're new, so it's only logical that I want to make friends with them and make them feel good here..

-Maybe they're just lie on you? Maybe they're really backstabbers trying to win your friendship and then end it as fast as they can?

-Chloe! Stop! I do not like your behavior! If this continues, I don't want to talk to you about it!

-See?! You already prefer them over me!

-I don't prefer anyone, Chloe! - This conversation annoyed me terribly, so I decided to go back from where I came, which was to the steps of the kindergarten.
But, I couldn't find it anywhere (Y\N) so I went to Calypso

-Calypso? Where is (Y\N)?

-Oh, they've already gone home, your dad's already picked you up too - When she said that, I actually saw dad and ran to the car.

-What's up kiddo? How's your day at school? - Dad started

-Good! And bad.. Good because I met a great person! Bad because I had a argue with Chloe..

-Oh, don't worry about it, she'll get over it, now we are going home, and at home you will tell us about the new person?

-Sure dad!

【My friend from kindergarten】 - Bluey Heeler 💙Where stories live. Discover now