Part Tweenty-Three

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Han's pov
I opened my eyes still feeling tired I should have asked for a day off today...i want to sleep more but my grandfather and dad will kill me if I missed a day of work...I own the hospital why do I have to work there as a surgeon...oh, I remember now...because according to them...i need to learn everything about medicine before...even a businessman could run and hospital...why did I have to suffer?
I threw my hand to the other side to check if felix is there too tired look but I didn't find him...did he leave?
I slowly stood up looking at the time kn my phone 7:50 am...where did he go? Work doesn't start before 9 am.
I left my bed walking outside the room to check the kitchen.
"felix"I said clearing my throat after hearing my morning raspy voice, but he is nowhere to be seen, he must be left for work maybe he has an important meeting, I will text him after I get ready.
I shook my head walking toward the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

I groaned after the hot water hit my back making me relax a bit...i am too sore to function right now, I finished washing up before I felt to change my clothes I took my phone and car keys ready to leave...i need to grab some breakfast before going to the hospital.
I left my room heading toward the door but a nice smell catches my attention"where are you going ?" felix said making me jump.
"you are here I thought you left"I said looking back at him.
"I went out to brag some groceries you don't have anything in here"he shook his head."come on I prepared breakfast "he added walking toward the kitchen
"lix you are the best"I said following him
"I brought some fresh croissants, there are omelets too if you want"he said putting them in front of me.
"I love you"I said pecking his lips .
"I thought you loved pizza"he said rolling his eyes.
"stop being salty "I said sitting down.
"sure" he rolled his eyes making me chuckle.
We start eating enjoying the comfort of silence between us.

"two days ago when I went to my house for family matter as I said...i found hwang mina"felix said.
"what did she want ?"I replied, I don't like hyunjin's mom...she doesn't like minho hyung and she kept hurting him.. especially when hyunjin was in a coma she made his life a living hell.
"it makes me angry just thinking about it" felix said shaking his head "she went to my dad to offer him a deal...apparently if I broke minho and hyunjin's off I could marry hyunjin hyung"he added making my mouth fell open.
"she went this far...i can't believe her"I said shaking my head.
"I know right...and I am just so pissed at my father for thinking about accepting something like that"felix said clinching his jaw.
"I mean you didn't consider it a love him..."I stopped when I saw him glare at me making gulp.
"do you think that's a reason that could make me destroy their life...and how will even do that...sleep with hyunjin?"he said soudning angry.

"well that won't work...i did that before with minho as you know"I said sadly.
"han, I love hyunjin but he loves minho...and as long as he is happy I am happy...i watched him from afar for years...i won't get involved in something like that"he said making me nod.
"I know...i am sorry...when I slept with minho attention was not to break them apart...i just...i was caught off guard...i just thought about myself...and did the worse thing I could ever do to my friend"I said glaring at my lap...i still feel guilty about what could I forget when I still like feelings makes ne remember my mistake every day.
"han, I didn't mean to bring you to this...i am sorry too...i know you feel guilty about what happened...i just wanted to tell you"he said making me nod.
"you should tell minho and hyunjin hyung too...his mom is unpredictable she could try something else to break them apart "I told him making him nod in agreement.
"I am meeting up with hyunjin will tell him"he replied finishing his food.
"I need to go...see you" felix said  pecking my lips before he left.

I am still confused how I am madly in love with the two boys, again it made me remember jeongin...when I visited him yesterday he was acting normally with changbin hyung, and it is kind made me feel bad for lying...i don't know what to do, changbin hyung was so angry at me for what I did...if he finds out I am hiding this he will never forgive me.
I put my plate away leaving toward work, this life is so complicated I swear when I think everything is other problem arise from there someone who made his entire existence goal to make us suffer.

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