Runaway Love pt. 5

Start from the beginning

"How many do you need love?!" Lisa shouted for him to hear.

"I don't know, just bring many," Jungkook answered while rumbling through their fresh clean clothes and throw it to their basket.


Lisa tiptoed to unhook the hanger hanging on the rod, it was a little too high for her reach and she needed to climb on empty corner of cabinet, but before she could lift herself a little, the wood she stepped into made a turn and all of the boxes inside collapsed as well as she met on the floor.

"Ahh!" *thud!*

"Lisa?!" Jungkook heard a loud thud and rumble of boxes. He immediately made a run for it, even stumbled himself on the basket until he reach where she was.

He saw her sitting on the floor, rubbing her bum with the hangers all over the place, as well as the boxes he hid for a very long time, full of stuff from the past he had long forgotten is scattered around her.

He couldn't say a thing.

"Sorry, I was carele—" Lisa was cut off on her own words when she saw the mess she made.

Specifically shocked to see designer clothes for women near her age, and empty boxes of luxury brand until her eyes reaches the vintage box of dior, Jungkook has been gazing as soon as he arrived.

It was wrapped in different kinds of flower and was tied into a ribbon, written on top of the box was— "KHY Memories"

"Why.. Why is there female clo—"

"It's not mine,"

Jungkook didn't let her finish, "My mom forgot to bring this boxes back in the house, let's just pack it up and bring it back inside,"

Jungkook started putting the clothes back inside the box on his own while Lisa didn't move a little meticulously watching him and his reaction.

He is hiding something.

She can feel it in her guts, but she can't ask him again.

Feeling uncomfortable, Lisa turn back on him and started helping him. She took the hanger one by one until the last.

Her hand, however, caught the dior box to read the initial written on it and asked him, "KHY" "Is that you're mom's name?"

"Yes," Jungkook answered.

"Is it okay if I open it?" Lisa asked him. But Jungkook took the box from her and threw it inside the cabinet as if it was nothing.

"There's nothing special, it's just a box," "Mom doesn't like her staff being touched," "So don't touch it," Jungkook closed the cabinet door a little strong, she can sense his annoyance through it.

Lisa remained speechless as she averted her eyes, she felt an unpleasant feeling that he might be hiding something she should know but can't afford to ask why, her heart is uncomfortable with his tone and annoyance like she did something very wrong to offend him without knowing what it was.

Later after that Jungkook noticed the sudden shift of the atmosphere between them while they do the laundry, he finally realize that he went overboard.

He went closer after they finished hanging the clothes and caressed her cheeks. He kissed her lips ever so gently, wanting all the uneasiness to fade away in exchange of his unpleasant approach earlier.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get mad," Jungkook whispered.

"It's okay, it's not my stuff either," Lisa said pulling back.

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