Chapter 15: Tarrlok

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After saving Iroh, Team Avatar takes him back to their underground and patch him up.

Korra is currently using Waterbending to heal
Iroh's arm.

Iroh: "I was prepared to deal with Sato's Mecha-Tank's but not these new high-speed aircrafts."

Korra: "I know. Every time we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmart us."

Bolin: "No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one."

Iroh: "Amon is winning so far, but we're not out of the fight yet."

Bolin: "I like this man's confidence! So how are we not out of the fight?"

Iroh stands up. "A second wave of reinforcements is on the way as we speak, but I need to warn them. Do you still have a way to get a message out?"

Korra: "I know just the man for the job."

Korra went to get the homeless man from the park where she first arrived to Republic City.

Man: "And who is the recipient of this top-secret message, General?"

Iroh: "Commander Bumi. Second Division of the United Forces."

Hiei: "Tenzin's brother?"

Iroh: "Yes. A bit of a wild man. But the bravest Commander you'll ever meet."

Man: "Ready, sir."

Iroh: "Fleet ambushed and destroyed by Equalist Aircraft. Retreat to Red Sand Island until my signal. Do not approach city until you received the all-clear."

Afterwards, Iroh lays out a map of Republic City. "Now comes the hard part. We need to ground those aircrafts, otherwise Bumi's fleet will never be able to retake the city."

Hiei looked at the map and saw the nearby mountains. "Well, they flew in from this direction. So that'll mean the airfield will be somewhere over this mountain range."

Iroh: "That'd be my guess as well. Good spot, Little Brother. Alright, everyone get ready, we leave at dawn."

After the planning, the team left the tent and got ready to go to the airfield.

Korra: "Wait."

They all look back at Korra.

Korra: "I'm sorry, but I'm not going with you tomorrow."

Mako: "What?"

Asami: "Why not?"

Korra: "I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I face him."

Iroh: "That's not a good plan. We need to stick together."

Korra: "I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down.
My gut's telling me it's time to end this. On my terms."

Iroh: "Korra, this isn't a mission you should be handling alone."

Hiei: "She won't be. I'm going with you."

Korra: "You don't have to do that."

Hiei: "Yes, I do."

Iroh: "Hmm, grandfather would respect the Avatar's instincts. So will I."

(The next day)

It's now dawn and Team Avatar was just about to leave. Korra and Hiei were going to Air Temple Island to face Amon, while Iroh, Bolin, Mako and Asami go to the airfield to stop the Equalist's aircrafts.

After Hiei got his Equalist outfit on he walked over towards Iroh and the two hugged

Iroh: Good luck, little brother and be careful."

Hiei: "You too." He pulled away. "Don't worry, I'm not a little kid anymore." He smiled at him.

Iroh: "No, you're not. Father would be proud of you."

Hiei: "He'd be proud of both of us."

After Korra and Hiei said goodbye to the others, they went towards the exit and headed towards Air Temple Island.

(Minutes later)

Korra and Hiei snuck into the Temple as Amon had just left, but it shouldn't be long until he returns.

Korra: "Let's hide in the attic."

Hiei: "Good idea." He climbed up the ladder first and open the hatch. As he went up into the attic he saw Tarrlok behind bars. "We're not alone up here."

Korra: "Tarrlok?" They took off their masks and walked over to him.

Tarrlok: "I don't suppose you two are here to rescue me?"

Hiei: "To be fair, we didn't know you were here. But there's definitely something funny about this."

Korra: "Are there any other prisoners on the island?"

Tarrlok: "No, I'm the only one."

Hiei: "And what makes you so special?"

He looks up at them. "I'm Amon's brother."

Hiei & Korra both gasped

Tarrlok: "Amon is from the Northern Water Tribe. He's a Waterbender and a Bloodbender, just like I was."

Korra: "What!"

Hiei: "Did you know this all along?"

Tarrlok: He shook his head "No, not until after he captured me."

Korra: "Wait, how'd your brother end up becoming Amon?"

Tarrlok: "It all started with my father, Yakone. With the help of his former gang he escaped prison and underwent surgery to change his appearance. He then assumed a new identity and settled down in the Northern Water Tribe. That's where he met my mother, a warm and caring woman."

Tarrlok then explains to them that his brother is older than him and his birth name is Noatak. Yakone taught them both to Waterbend, then taught them Bloodbending.

After a few years Noatak decided to leave and disappear forever. Tarrlok thought he was dead.

Korra: "That's one of the saddest stories I've ever heard."

Tarrlok: "Avatar Korra, Fire Prince Hiei, I am truly sorry for what I did to both of you. I thought I was better than my father, but his ghost still shaped me.
I became a soldier of revenge, just like he wanted me to be. And so did my brother."

Hiei: "So, how'd you figure out Amon was your brother?"

Tarrlok: "When he took my bending, the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognized it as my brother's Bloodbending grip."

After that Korra and Hiei tried to come up with a new plan. They realize that if they announce to the Equalist's that Amon is a Waterbender, he'll lose all his supporters.

Korra looked over at Tarrlok. "Thank you, for your help."

Tarrlok nodded as Hiei began to walk away but Korra stopped him "We can't just leave him here."

Tarrlok stood up. "Go. Amon can't know anyone has spoken with me. Defeat him. Put an end to this sad story."
They nodded

Hiei: "We'll come back for you when it's over."

He nods as the two left to go to the Equalist Rally.

The Fire Prince (Korra x oc story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora