Chapter 7: The One in the Middle

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Beta: Aranel

Disclaimer: I own only the plot; Tolkien though was the one that created the great world of Middle Earth. I do not own the Lord of the Rings (and associated) book series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of the story.


Glorfindel walked into the house, bearing Thranduil's message for Elrond. The Balrog Slayer was most amused as he wondered how the lord would react.

Glorfindel knocked on the door and waited till the lord gave him permission to enter and he was pleased when Elladan came and opened the door.

"Elladan," he called, catching the young elf's eyes, and asked, "Could you leave us alone for a while?"

Elladan nodded and left the room, though not before turning around and casting one last look on Aragorn.

Elrond, meanwhile, did not know why his son had left him alone with the Balrog Slayer but he intended to find out.

"What is it, Glorfindel?" Elrond asked without turning around.

Glorfindel turned to his lord and coughed, "Thranduil dares you to meet him outside; he wants a duel with you."

"He wants what?" Elrond asked, clearly disliking Glorfindel's attention, though the Balrog Slayer could see how angry his lord was at the news.

"He wants to compete with you, and the winner will have few moments with Aragorn." Glorfindel went on to explain.

"And what about the loser?" Elrond asked, hoping that Thranduil had something in mind for the loser as well.

"Well, that was not concluded yet, but you can ask him, if you want." Glorfindel replied.

"He will not get anything that he wants in my land!"

"That is why Erestor and I are the judges, Lord Elrond."

"Judges of what, exactly?" Elrond asked, as the thought of strangling Thranduil crossed his mind.

"Contest of arrows," Glorfindel replied, and, as he saw how Elrond sighed heavily in acknowledgement that King Thranduil had an advantage, he added, "I am rooting for you to win, my lord."

Hopefully that would encourage his lord a little.

Elrond nodded and a determination showed through. He would not let Thranduil win the game so easily, not without putting up a valiant fight.

"So be it, and may the Valar help me."

"Hannon-le, hir-nin." Glorfindel thanked him for the unspoken understanding and then he left him alone with Aragorn.

"If that's what Thranduil wants, he will not see Aragorn again." Elrond decided - even if he needed to do something extreme.

Aragorn moaned then, and tried to move and as soon as Elrond noticed that, he moved closer to his son in an instant. "Do not move, Estel, you will hurt yourself more if you try to move too soon."

"Ada..." Aragorn called, the pain sounding clearly in his voice.

"What is it, my son?" Elrond urged, concerned about the man.

"Please... Make the pain stop..." Aragorn said, like the little boy he once was.

Elrond reached to wipe the lone tear away from his son's face, and moved his hand to feel his son's forehead. He could certainly feel the heat there, and yet he noticed how Aragorn pulled the blanket off himself, muttering though the pain, "Too hot... hot..."

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