Chapter 2: Blame

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Beta: Aranel

Disclaimer: I own only the plot; Tolkien though was the one that created the great world of Middle Earth. I do not own the Lord of the Rings (and associated) book series, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of the story.


 The riding went slowly. He feared that he might have killed his friend, and by the reaction that he got from Elladan, his heart ached and filled with worry as he thought on how Lord Elrond might respond.

As he finally arrived at Imladris' border he could feel the anger radiating from every elf he passed, eating at him deeply inside.

"Prince Greenleaf, how do you fare?" Glorfindel asked him with grace, noting that Legolas was surprised by his concern.

'Was Legolas truly expecting to see me angry at him?' Glorfindel asked himself, still staring at Legolas.

"Is there any news about Aragorn?" Legolas asked, not paying much attention to the Balrog Slayer's question, fully aware that his welfare was not at stake as Aragorn’s was.

"Not that I know," Glorfindel observed the prince, and, noticing the slumped shoulders and stormy yet dulled blue eyes, he added, "I did not see Elrond leave the house of healing; he is still inside."

"Hannon-le." Legolas thanked him, and headed toward the house of healing, wanting to know the consequences of his heinous act, wanting so much to know that his friend, at least, was still alive.

Glorfindel watched him as he left, still worried for the prince, and he hesitated, wondering if he should follow him into the house. Finally, he simply watched on as he attended to Legolas’ horse.

As Legolas entered the house, the twins blocked his path and any sight of his friend.

"Legolas, what are you doing in here?" Elladan questioned him, glaring at his friend, though he seemed weaker each time they met.

"I… I wanted to see how Aragorn fares…" Legolas answered quietly, his eyes staring ahead, hoping to have the reassurance that his friend did not die by his hand.

Elrohir was about to say something but at that moment his Adar came in. It was then that Elrohir finally felt pity for Mirkwood's prince.

"What were you thinking?” Elrond burst out as he faced Legolas. He pushed him roughly into the room where Aragorn lay still on the clean white sheets.

"Look at him!" Elrond snapped at Legolas, noticing the frown on the prince. Legolas chose to stare at him instead of facing the result of his actions.

"LOOK AT HIM!" Elrond sneered, and Legolas finally did as he was told, his face marked with shame as guilt flooded his heart.

Legolas could see the bandages that were tied tightly around Aragorn's waist. It was his fault and he knew it.

"Look at what you have done; what friend do you call yourself? How could you be so careless! I won’t be surprised if your Adar wouldn’t care to look at you as from this moment, I cannot see you as anything but an enemy. You are herewith banned from Imladris, and if you should step foot here…" Elrond started to threaten him but was interrupted.

"Adar, stop before it goes too far." Elrohir cut in, and then he spared a look at his friend's face, noticed the dull blue eyes, and walked toward Legolas, who had edged closer to the door as though about to run away.

Elrohir instead turned to his Adar and spoke softly, "Ada, you need to calm down, we do not know his side of the story."

"What difference will it make, Elrohir?" Elrond asked his son.

Elrohir kept quiet, finding that question hard to answer. He turned and did not see Legolas in the room. He now feared for his friend as much as he feared for his foster brother.

As soon as Elrond closed the door, Elrohir faced his twin, "What should we do if Aragorn dies?"

"I do not know, but I fear for our long-time friend." Elladan replied, as he headed out of the house.

He almost bumped into Glorfindel.

"Is everything all right?" Glorfindel asked with heavy concern, as he was aware of the prince riding hard from the house. Legolas had mounted upon his horse in no time and fled from Imladris. Glorfindel could sense the fear within the prince, and he feared that Legolas would do something they would all regret.

"Not at the moment,” Elladan replied. “Aragorn seems to grow weaker even with Adar's herbs, and you know Adar, when he is angry, he would blame the one who caused it, and right now the blame lies upon Legolas' shoulders.” Elladan sighed. “If I could turn back time I would have helped Legolas instead of getting angry at him, as I did when we found them."

Elladan tried to soothe his mind as he stared at the darkened, blue sky, wondering about Legolas, who was wandering alone in the dark – alone, away from their friendship – he thought that what Legolas might need was a friend to listen to him.

"Look, Elladan, I am certain that when your Adar overcomes his anger he would know how to cure Aragorn or find what prevents him from healing your brother. It might have been an infection; your Adar encounters it a lot," Glorfindel tried to comfort the young twin, and added, "It is not like Legolas to deliberately hurt Aragorn, as you know their friendship remains deep. I believe that something has happened, and the prince is taking all the blame upon himself. And none of us seem to help him."

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