Ch. 1 ~ "Phantom x Devils"

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..I'm gonna be selfish, and pick DxD. It was the second choice, but I really would like to see what happens if I interfered. Do I have to deal with..?

..Don't tell me Great Red had a hand here too, didn't he?


..Yeah, figures. I'd have Great Red as my first warden. The dragon residing inside the Dimensional Gap. The literal top dog of his world. 

..Wait, that doesn't sound- He isn't the type to do that. Who--

[Kischur Zelretch--]

I mentally deadpan. Why am I not surprised the vampire managed to somehow convince the Dragon God to agree to this? How does he do it..

How did he manage to travel to worlds beyond the Nasuverse's world lines? 

[Moving on. As I place you to one of my creator's worlds, I'll have to put you and let you ask for their approval. Don't worry- He has been expecting for one's arrival.]

..That isn't reassuring at all. I'm going to the superboss stage before I even start the game. Well, there's nothing else for me here. I can feel my vision spinning,

--before I feel my feet touching the ground, and I open my eyes, looking around, checking my hands, and looking down on my body.. bare.. body.



Okay, fine! Don't talk! Never wanted you to, anyway!

["..How noisy. Can the [Gamer] who has not chosen Composure be silent?"]

Oh. Oh no. I'm going to die.

I slowly turn around to the new voice, and start trembling uncontrollably-- though I didn't fall down. I should've chosen composure. I really should've, because that's a massive, extremely horrific Dragon God standing before my naked form.

The colossal fucking dragon in charge of deeming if I'm fit to Live here is standing before my naked self. And with how stingy the [System] seems to be, I don't think I'll be able to choose again. I feel like my abilities weren't even there yet.

Basically, he's a really scary--

["Do not. Finish that. Thought, whelp."] The dragon retorted without so much as moving. This is.. Telepathy? Somehow, I'm grateful his voice doesn't just echo in my mind. Still overpowers me, though.

Okay. Noted. I really should've chosen something else.. But I don't try to run away. I've chosen this, and I can't run from him. Running makes me look weak, and I don't think someone as prideful as him would accept someone looking as weak-willed as some people do.

[The skill [Courage] has been added.] Okay, not a good boost of confidence. In fact, that did absolutely nothing. 

["Ho? Interesting. You tremble, and yet I can sense a feeling of Bravery welling inside you."] 

For a second, I felt my eye twitch before remembering who I'm talking to. 

["Hm.."] The dragon's form inches closer to my own, as if inspecting me..

You know what? I don't care if I die here anymore! Stop humming while staring!

"..Is this the part where you, esteemed Great Red of the Dimensional Gap, begin to question me?"

This is it. My last words. His head moved back, likely ready to--

["Hah. An interesting retort. Very well. My first test is satisfied. State your reasons for entering the world beyond "my" Dimensional Gap."]

So, I won't have any luck left for the Gacha. That-this was, without a doubt, my only lucky moment. One that drained all my luck. 

I inhale, finally stopping the light trembling in my body, and speak. 

"The choices I was given back in that void.. were more desirable, I admit, um.. sir, but I wanted to be selfish, despite the fact it would likely bite me in the ass." Crap, that slipped out..

["..Had I not been presented entertainment from those.. two regular intruders, I would have smitten you on the spot."]

..Oh my go- wait, no. He's dead here. Goodness. That actually relieved me, despite the fact he didn't say it straightforwardly.

..Wait, two?

["Though the choice to allow passage to my world I looked down upon, the entertainment that it allows.. I suppose I should thank the fools for that. Very well. I shall allow this, as the Dragon God that resides in Dreams and the Dimensional Gap."]

["The [Gamer] will be allowed to pass this Gap, and interfere with the course of Destiny as they see fit.. With one condition."]

There's the line I was expecting! I knew he wouldn't just let me be like that. Seriously, it would've been more strange if that didn't happen. 

So, is it "Stop Trihexa"? "Do not join the Khaos Brigade"? Come on..

["If the [Gamer] succeeds in making me draw blood, I will personally allow their passage through and from "my" world at any time."]

Oh. Okay. That's basically impossible. There's a reason the idiots do so much to lure him out to the point it genuinely hurts me whenever I read it.

..No, If I refuse now, then he'll grind me to dust until I hate him enough to do it out of spite. I mentally sigh to myself, as the Notice shows up in front of my face.


"Red Dragon's Dawn"

Objective: At the end of your Journey, make Great Red draw blood.

EX Objective: Break one of Great Red's parts.

Hidden EX Objective: (?)

Reward: Prestige 1, Unlimited passage in and out of [Highschool DxD], 5,000,000,000,000¥, 30 Gacha Tickets, 1 6* Perk Ticket, [Great Red's Approval], Extra Class: [Foreigner], 1 [World Key]

EX Reward: [Great Red Parts], {Dragon God's Favor}, 1 [World Key], 20 Gacha Tickets, {Red's System Upgrade}

Hidden Reward: (?)

Compensation Reward: Prestige 1, Progress on [Highschool DxD] reset, 10 Gacha Tickets

Recommended Level: ???

The ??? in the "Recommended Level" section isn't helping my self-esteem one bit.. I can't say I didn't expect it, though. He's one of the strongest beings in this universe, and one that's--

["Qualified to be here, yes. That lonely girl is too straightforward, and the other is a Beast of Humanity mad enough to be sealed."]

I yelped. He basically finished my own thought.. I look at his form in the eyes, and brazenly ask a question. 

"Do you know of your--?"

["He has shown me the boy named "Issei Hyoudou", and how the whelp's position is considered the main catalyst for every World Line he is in. Suffice to say, It cannot be a story of.. "Devils and Dragons" if he does not play a major role in it."]

That much I can agree with, That takes a load off my shoulders, and so I prepare myself to ask the next question. One last important question before I can be sure I can leave this place.

"I apologize for asking another question and wasting your time, but will I be "hidden" until I gain the ability to do so myself? By that, I mean the fact that most-- if not all "Factions" will notice someone like me." A lengthy question more than 20 words. I am likely to get a scoff in response at best, or a painful mental callout at worst.

["..Hm.. I agree that it is easy to gain the interest of the ants and the attention of the Girl once you exit my domain, but fret not. Promise me that you will give me proof of your growth at the end, and I will keep you hidden, enough to make most think that you are a mere hairless primate."]

Weird way to avoid saying "Human", But I had a slight gleam in my eyes once he says that. That means I'll at least have the chance to improve myself before I decide to show myself. 

It isn't an unreasonable request this time, despite the fact I would have likely be sent back to the starting point once I fail his quest. I bow to him, and prepare to get sent back.

["Then, whelp. I look forward to an entertaining show."]

I couldn't say anything, as I finally blacked out to enter the world of Devils and Dragons, Angels and Fallen, where every piece of mythology is real. The world of a boy who has nothing, except for a Dragon inside his arm and head, his friends, and his love for Oppai.

The world of Highschool DxD. 

Now, let us start the game.


["Oi. Give her some clothing next time. Do not make me repeat myself."]

[..I apologize. Though, you have to admit, it was somewhat amusing, was it not, [Supervisor]?]

["It was not."]


A/N: Well, that's the (mostly) finalized draft of Chapter 1 published. I originally planned to publish this after a week of publishing the Prologue, but circumstances lead me to forget I made this account in the first place.

Well, until we meet again.

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