Chapter 13

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"You are fond of her

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"You are fond of her." Raksha stated, catching Dev gazing at Tara for the fifteenth time in the hour they had been at the gazebo; receiving no reply from him, she continued. "You are so ordinarily extraordinary, Dev, to be able to perceive entities not quite material-like her-of which I assume you are aware."

"How perceptive of you-for I am beginning to feel I'm fond of her indeed." Dev smiled at the lady beside him. "You are gifted yourself-to know that she is such an entity."

"Unlike you I can also hear her." Raksha teased him with good-humoured truth.

Dev chuckled. "I am envious of you in that case; but how did you realise her difference when it's evidently your first meeting with her."

"Aside from your clear hint to Ahan-informing him of her presence; Aalekh speaks a lot about his precious deceased daughter, and she shares an unmistakable resemblance to him-oh and not to forget the unmissable family portrait to identify her as his daughter, and hence a ghost." Raksha stated with obviousness. "It's tragic, isn't it-her untimely death."

Dev gazed far into the distance where the crown of hills altered the horizon, as the tragedy of her life's early end weighed him down with grief; but what burdened him more was his fear that in her need to remember her end, Tara would have to pay the cost of reliving the cruelty that took her breath.

"I wonder if you've thought about what relation you can possibly have with her—as simple fondness can't satisfy a man like you for long, Dev, considering that you cannot hear your lady or touch her."

Dev returned his attention to Tara as he saw her laughing at Ahan's comical recount of an event, with her head thrown back and long hair swaying in the wind; in spite of the fact that Ahan couldn't sense her, he seemed to be enjoying her company-in awareness that his sister was enjoying as well from Dev's intermittent conveying smiles at the two of them, while Dev turned to Raksha and replied. "Bonds of soul transcend all desires, Raksha."

Raksha hummed. "And when she's left for the afterlife, how will you fare without comfort and care; it must pain you to constantly be aware that she will leave one day-then why do you torment yourself so?"

"Because I will have whatever time the Gods may bestow on us to be together-even if she is with me for just a moment, there's nothing else I'd want; I'll have her with me however she wishes."

She praised him, "You are undaunted, but there's a fine line between being resolute and obstinate." and warned him as well. "Still, I am told to be an entrancing company should you ever need a more material comfort than her; besides, I am sure we can benefit each other mutually, for I can aid you achieve all that you can't fairly on your own."

Dev observed her, admitting Raksha's temptation as she beamed as an enchantress of a winter-land, paling all else with her devastating beauty as that of a blossomed scarlet rose which must've brought many fine men to ruin. "And if I indeed take your offer, what may be the price your ladyship desires?"

"Quite a simple one, at least for one as affluent as you—I only ask to be provided with all the luxuries as your lady." Raksha stepped closer to him, trailing a finger down the side of his face and tracing it over his lips, as her hooded eyes bore bewitchingly into his glazed ones. "Enjoy your fondness while it lasts-but let me await you in your chamber with a vow that you'll have me when you'll not have her."

Suddenly his soul reared out of his body and slammed back with force, repelling his captivated senses away from Raksha as he heaved a breath, and glanced at Tara engrossed with Ahan. "You're unique, Raksha, but I cannot give you what you ask of me; I appreciate your concern for my welfare after she departs, but I'm satisfied with her and however long we may have." Dev stepped back, distancing himself from Raksha, "I hope you can forgive me, but I must take your leave-it isn't a conversation I wish to continue further." and left.

Raksha prided herself on her beauty to ensnare men so as to be provided by them with all the luxuries their humanly existence offered, while she would aid them in return in whatever they wished by any means necessary; so it insulted her beauty, injured her pride and irated her mind to see Dev, a young opulent man, enamoured by a silly little bhoot who haunted better in her life than she did as an undead.

Throwing a scowl at Tara, Raksha strode back to the house with furious footsteps echoing in the large hall; she pushed the door of the family room wide open with inhuman force, making it slam against the wall.

Setting her glare on a stunned Leela, Raksha stormed inside and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her easily as a lifeless doll, while Leela's legs jerked in the air as she gathered her failing strength, fighting for release from the suffocating grip.

Setting her glare on a stunned Leela, Raksha stormed inside and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her easily as a lifeless doll, while Leela's legs jerked in the air as she gathered her failing strength, fighting for release from the suffocating grip

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