Chapter 11

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Dev's eyes fluttered open as the sharp light of afternoon stung them to tears, causing him to blink fiercely and sit up in his bed-stretching his arms over his head to shake off the lingering laze; his gaze met Tara's who sat on his bed by the foo...

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Dev's eyes fluttered open as the sharp light of afternoon stung them to tears, causing him to blink fiercely and sit up in his bed-stretching his arms over his head to shake off the lingering laze; his gaze met Tara's who sat on his bed by the foot as usual, only this time she was staring at him as if he was a caged entity.

He retrieved his gaze, leaving her cold but still gazing at him as he went to the bath; he shut the door behind him, unable to bear her presence till he had given due concern to his mind, for he doubted it was a common occurrence to unveil one's new-found companion as a ghost.

As he delved deeper into his thoughts he was surprised to find only one doubt bothering him—would she seek to bring him harm for ghosts are said to be inherently evil; but as soon as the ludicrous doubt surfaced, he dashed it because Tara has had the time and opportunities to hurt him if she really wanted to, and yet he was unharmed-mentally bruised from yester noon's shock-but unharmed.

Taking care of his business, he returned to his chamber and found Tara still sitting by the foot of the bed, and took a moment to observe her, as guilt began gnawing at him, for how wrong it was of him to judge her as wicked simply because she was a ghost, that too not of her own volition.

"So, you really are a…" Dev swallowed, walking into her sight. "A bhoot?"

She nodded, her dark tresses hiding most of her face from him.

After a momentary silence to absorb her confirmation, Dev asked. "Can you speak?"

She nodded again.

"I suppose as you are … what you are, none can hear you."

Tara nodded, peeking slightly at him, with a hint of a smile beginning to light her face.

Dev frowned, recalling how Aalekh had covertly-yet-overtly divulged his inability to sense her. "Tara, as you are…incorporeal, can anyone-who is not me-even see you?"

With sadness tinting her lips, she shook her head.

"So, for everyone else you are essentially non-existent." He combed his hair off the brow with his fingers, and sighed.

Before suddenly remembering his limited knowledge based on hearsay that ghosts are usually those whose life had met a violent end—his heart thumped with pain for Tara as he asked, "How did you…" trailing off to whisper the last word with hesitation. "die?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"You don't remember." He stated—it seemed the belief of victims remaining undead until they could recall their own demise held true as well.

Spectral SinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora