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"So where to? Movies first? Dinner?" Do I sound too eager? Probably. But I can't help it I feel too excited! I'm going on a date with the boy my heart's been pining for! So sue me for bouncing with joy.

"I know a good place" Nagisa said shyly. "They have great food, and It's affordable" he said with a beaming smile that tugged at my heart strings.

I let him lead me down town.

It wasn't the romantic scene I've been picturing in my head, but it was still adorable. It also kind of gives me a feeling of dominance looking down at him

He looks so nervous and cute, I could just kiss him. But I held back, It's too early for a kiss, and my sister once told me that it's supposed to be the boy who will initiate the first lip contact, not the girl.

The streets were lined with glowing street lamps, and couples were outside enjoying the lovely evening. I saw a couple walking hand in hand, the girl was leaning against the boy's shoulder, they looked so sweet. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of being close like that with Nagisa

Suddenly I felt a jolt of pain in my heart, and my hand immediately flew to my mouth. "Are you ok?" Nagisa looked back at me, worry in his beautiful blue eyes. I forced smile, keeping my lips tightly sealed just in case. "Mmm hmm!" I hummed.

Nagisa didn't look convinced, but he didn't say anything else. "Right across the street, over there!" Nagisa pointed at a fancy restaurant across from us. I beamed at Nagisa "Oh wow, that place is hard to get a reservation to!" I exclaimed. The blue haired boy looked at me funnily "no it's not, it's for everyone" he told me, leading me towards it

He actually held my hand, which sent electricity up my arm. I kept biting my tongue and swallowing down the growing petals in my throat. It was a painful and tiring procedure but I endured it, like how I endured everything everyday. Besides, I don't want to ruin our date that's barely even started all because I couldn't choke down a few stupid flowers

"Here we are!" Nagisa announced. It was then I realized we weren't heading to the restaurant, we were going to the ramen stand beside it.

I sat there, quiet as a mouse, and watched blankly as Nagisa ordered miso ramen for the both of us, as well as coke. "Guess I dressed for nothing" I thought, disappointed. "Look umm... " I looked at Nagisa who was scratching the back of his neck

"I know it's not much" he blushed and looked embarrassed. "But trust me, the ramen here is the best in town, Karma recommended it to me, and I promise this isn't all I have to offer you!" Nagisa had a determined look, which made me smile. He looks more handsome when he's determined to do something, especially if it's something big. "Later, at twelve 'o clock tonight, I have a surprise!"

"A surprise?" I repeated.

"Yep! Just wait ok?" He pushed my miso ramen towards me. "And you should finish your bowl before it gets cold" he added with a frown, making me giggle. "Ok mom" I teasingly said to him. He blushed and rolled his eyes, which made me giggle more

I started eating my miso ramen and, he was right, it was so delicious! I don't think I've tasted anything as good as this!

In a span of five minutes I finished my bowl and was ordering second one

Then a third one

Then a fourth

And then a fifth

Next thing I knew I had ten bowls stacked by my side. "Another please!" I told the old man behind the counter, who pushed his glasses further up his nose.

He looked at Nagisa "marry her, a girl like her only comes once every dynasty" he said seriously

Love caught up in my throat(Nagisa x Kaede) Where stories live. Discover now