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Saturday came quicker than I thought. But you know what they say right? Time moves faster when you're having fun. I've been floating on cloud nine for days since Nagisa asked me out

My vomiting and coughing of flowers has been... lesser, for a few days. Which makes me feel relieved and anxious. I'm relieved because it spares me the pain, but I'm anxious because anytime I could start coughing out bloody flowers again and it might worry Nagisa

What if I have an episode during our day? I could ruin everything.

But I want to have fun with Nagisa. I want to enjoy my self, not worry over crappy bloody flowers. So right now, I'm working on my appearance to wow Nagisa

I wondered about what hairstyle I should wear,  I still kept it dyed green even though I was tempted to have it my natural hair color black because he said I looked pretty with black hair. But I can't risk our classmates or anyone we know seeing me that way.

I curled the end of my hair in thick, big curls before pulling them back into twin pony tails.

I applied some light makeup on my face. Pale pink blush on my cheek, pale pink lip gloss to add some shine, and pale colored eyeshadow to give me a natural appearance.

I smiled at my appearance in the mirror

My heart was pounding with excitement. I'm going on with date with Nagisa. I'm going on with date with the boy I love.

"So, what should I wear?" I wondered out loud checking my closet.

After digging deeper, I found a short black dress with laced sleeves. "Perfect!" I quickly put it on and twirled around in front of the mirror

I haven't dolled up in months, it feels great to put on makeup and wear a fancy dress again. I really miss this.

I checked the clock, I still had half an hour before Nagisa shows up

I wonder what he's wearing? Did he also get dressed  up like me? Will he be trying to impress me the whole time? I let out a little squeal of excitement at the idea of us having a romantic evening together. I watch too much romance anime and read too much romance novels so my expectations are running high

Karma-kun's words suddenly echoed in my head. "When you see your chance, take it before it's too late" maybe this was what he meant? That if Nagisa asks me out I should say yes instantly and go out with him before I die from the Hanahaki disease!

Wow that's a disturbing thought. Me... dying from this disease.

I shook my head. I can't let those thoughts ruin my night when it's barely even begun! What did Karma-kun mean by then, when I see my chance I should take it...

I know for sure it involves Nagisa because Karma-kun knows how I feel for him. That red head can be so vague and mysterious sometimes

Maybe I'm just over thinking this? I'm sure Karma-kun didn't mean anything ominous, that's not like him.


I put on white doll shoes instead of heels. If we're going to do a lot of walking I'm not going to wear heels, it'll hurt my feet.

And I don't want to become taller than Nagisa, the poor boy might feel embarrassed if his date is a head taller than him.

I started pacing around my living room, while obsessively spraying myself with perfume.

Nagisa is ten minutes later. Where is he?

I tapped the floor with my foot and crossed my arms, nibbling on my nail. "Where are you Nagisa?" I whispered, glancing at my family picture.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


I hurried to answer the door. "Nagisa!" I greeted, ready to show off my appearance to the boy I loved.

Nagisa stood there, wearing jeans and a hoodie, smiling shyly at me.

"Hi--" he stopped. Sniffed the air, and made a face, then he sneezed

"ACHOO!" he backed away from me and rubbed his nose. "Sorry, hehe" he laughed awkwardly. "There's this weird smell.. "

Weird smell? Is it me? Is my perfume too strong?

"Y-you look great by the way uhh... were you about to head out?"

I blinked, confused. "But...but weren't we going out? Together?" I asked with a tight smile. "For... our.... Date?"

Nagisa blinked twice before turning red. "Y-yea of course! It's just that, I didn't expect you to look so" he looked awkward. "Flashy"

"And I didn't expect you to come underdressed" I thought, disappointed. But nevertheless! I still hold optimism. Who cares if our outfits clash? We'll still have fun together!

I just know it

Love caught up in my throat(Nagisa x Kaede) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें