holidays together

Start from the beginning

they all nod their heads and start to prepare.

about 2 hours later it's time for me to head out, I put all the fruit and vegetables that I've cut into the fridge and told the guys about the brownies in the oven. Mike is outside prepping the grill when I leave.

the drive to the airport was long with all of LAs traffic. cars honking and people shouting fill the atmosphere, so loud even my radio can't cover it up.

finally reaching the airport after almost an hour, I find a parking spot and head in to meet up with the boys.

don't know if it's luck but the second I walked in I immediately saw them. once they noticed me, their faces held big smiles and they were heading my way.

"hi guys! I'm so happy you could make it and to see you again!" I say giving them a hug.

"I don't think excitement is in our vocabulary right now! way bigger words for how we feel, but it's great to see you again as well." Folio says.

"well the cars out front, anything I can help carry?" I ask. they both shake their heads and I lead them to the car.

helping them put the stuff in the back, Nick sits up front and Folio behind him.

"I'm glad you invited us over. Thank you." Nick says.

"Of course, I knew Noah would love to see you guys and what better way than a surprise party? He misses you both so much and I knew I had to do something for him. I'm just glad you guys could make it so I really should be thanking the both of you." I say honestly.

"It's my boy, I don't think I'd ever say no." Nick jokes.

We arrived back just as the clock hit 3, there was an extra car in the driveway, signaling that the girls and Will are here.

"let's go put your stuff in the spare rooms."

I introduce Jules, Amelia and Will to them and then they give hugs to the other boys. The boys help take their stuff to the spare rooms and I set out all the food and drinks.

I get a text from Jolly notifying me they they were almost at the house.


everyone scampers off to hide and I hide behind the couch just as the car pulls into the driveway. the house is silent with the occasional giggle from Jules and Amelia who are hiding together.

keys jingle in the door and once the door opens,

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouts.

Noah jumped nearly 10 feet into the air, looking around with wide eyes until he notices two people he hasn't seen in months.

"What are you guys doing here!" He immediately goes in for hugs with the two Nicks.

"well a little birdie told us you were having a surprise party and we couldn't miss it for the world!" Nick says into the hug.

I could cry at their reunion, but instead a big smile holds its place on my face as Jolly also greets his band mates with hugs. The moment I wish I could've captured on camera, but to special to share with anyone else.

Noah greets everyone and says thank you and finally I'm in his arms.

"Thank you." he says quietly.

"of course baby, you deserve it." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"there's food on the table in the kitchen, go make plates!" I practically demand everyone to eat.

watching the boys catch up is honestly one of the sweetest things to see. The childish excitement in their eyes when they bring up a new game or a band is just so sweet.

out of the grey [N. Sebastian]Where stories live. Discover now