Tea is Better than Coffee - Su x Reader

Start from the beginning

Even you didn't believe in that poorly worded white lie.

His face didn't change. "You make it sound like it isn't serious."

"I'm just tired." The deliverance of your words made you flinch.

You didn't intend for it to come out that way. The way you said it had a sharpness to them which could be interpreted as aggressive and unwelcoming.

'It must be the caffeine.' You thought, but you knew well that wasn't an excuse for your behavior. 'I should apologize.'

"I'm sorry." Your eyes drop to your feet, finding no reason to keep the truth from him any longer. "I drank a cup of coffee last night so I'm experiencing the side effects at the moment. Of course, that isn't an excuse... but I owe you an apology nonetheless."

A suffocating silence drops over the two of you. The walls around you seemed alive at the moment, almost waiting just as you were for the boy to speak. When he did, the air stirred.

"I'm not judging you." He wanted to make that clear to you first. "But I must inquire, is it really necessary to push yourself so far? It's not healthy."

"That's..." You couldn't say much against that.

"Is your ranking dissatisfying?"

"Well no."

"Is it bad?"


"Then why are you pushing yourself?"

Why? The question has been asked by you many times but has gone constantly unanswered and ignored.

Why did you push yourself?

No matter how hard you thought, the answer never showed up and you realized why. You had no reason, no reason at all. You were only motivated by your classmates' jeering. This realization coupled with the fact that you had allowed yourself to be swayed by people who were obviously jealous of your accomplishment made you feel foolish.

"It seems that I asked a complicated question." He voiced as though he can read your state of mind and it's probably not good given how you were feeling. "I haven't introduced myself, have I? My name is Su."

It's only fair to give him yours.

"(Y/N)." You supplied. "I'm a junior."

"The same grade then." He mused, more so to himself than to you. A soft smile presents itself on his face. "I apologize if my questions bothered you."

"No, you're good." You assured. "You're not wrong anyway."

He paused for a moment.

"Is it alright if I could ask one more question?" You nod. "Would it be alright if we could talk like this again?"

You thought about his proposal and found that you weren't opposed to meeting him again.

"Of course." You nodded.

The smile that rose on his face made your heart flutter. You can't wait to meet with the boy named Su again.


A shadow looms over your figure. Instantly, you stiffen.

"You shouldn't be drinking coffee before dinner." In a split second, the coffee that you had brewed was gone. You groaned. "If you wanted something to drink, there's tea in the cabinet."

In the cutest voice you could muster, you said to him, "But I want coffee."

"There's a more healthier substitute on the shelf above you."

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now