A Flame Under The Stars - Kalpas x Reader

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Sakura didn't believe that for a second. "It's about (Y/N) isn't it?"

"...Yes." Kalpas admits.

Sakura smiles. "My sister often has her own way with you. Care to elaborate what happened?"

Kalpas continues cutting the onions as he speaks. "She convinced me to audition for a minor role."

Sakura's eyes slightly widened in surprise. "Interesting..."

"..." The sound of cutting continues as Sakura walks over to the other side of the kitchen to grab some more ingredients for the pasta. "So...did you accept her offer?"

Kalpas grunts. "How does that woman always get me to say yes? It's like she has me under her own spell. It's...annoying..."

Sakura smiles. "Perhaps you just want to make her happy."

"What makes you assume that...?" Kalpas asks, his tone still sharp.

"Just a...feeling." Sakura says as she starts cutting the picnic bacon.

The two continue to cook in silence, both thinking about how (Y/N) could have possibly convinced Kalpas of all people to do a photoshoot.

It was as if he was indeed under her spell.

Kalpas grunts once more, every cut he makes with the knife being more aggressive than the last. "How the hell do I make her stop–!"

Sakura puts a finger to her chin. "Perhaps giving her a taste of her own medicine would be effective?"

"The hell do you mean by that...?" Kalpas asks

"Follow her request. Do as she asks? You always just grunt." Sakura says.

Kalpas averts his eyes, still mad that you never take him seriously. But...the thought of you blushing because of him...

"Damn you (Y/N)..."


"I don't know what to do..." You say, your face down on your arms as you plead Eden for some advice.

Eden smiles. "You really have fallen for him haven't you~?"

The two of you were sitting inside a local coffee shop, exchanging stories and informing the other of some interesting gossip. But at the moment, you were telling her about the most recent developments with the "Hot Headed Bastard" as you would sometimes call Kalpas.

You and Eden had bonded over your similar work experiences. She was into the stage performance of music while you were an actress for films and a model for photo shoots. You would occasionally bump into her during special events where actors and actresses would meet so you would usually converse with her. Your friendship with Eden grew closer once you moved into the Golden Courtyard with your sister.

But most importantly, she's the person you trusted most with this...crush.

You continue your story to Eden. "I don't know what's wrong with me...sometimes I'd look into his eyes and my head would go places. Even when I'm acting, I'd think about him all the time!"

Eden takes a sip of her coffee. "Do you think he knows of your crush?"

You avert your eyes, sipping from your straw. "No, I don't think so. I mean, I flirt and tease him a lot but I don't think he's figured it out yet..."

"You've been crushing on him for quite some time now. Why don't you just tell him how you truly feel?"

"I can't!" You say.

"What do you mean?" Eden asks, raising a brow.

You sigh. "Because...I don't want things to change..."

HONKAI IMPACT 3RD x FEM! READER ONE-SHOTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora