"Journey: Start" ⚠️

Start from the beginning

Mepad looked down at the ground before agreeing, "I... suppose that would be the for the best. I am not in optimal condition, after all."
Toilet didn't really understand what he meant by that, since Mepad always used big fancy words, but maybe he just meant he wasn't in 'tippy-top' condition.

Toilet thought about what to say, or ask. Why was Mepad here? How was he here? How was he hurt?
Was he looking for him?
Although, Mepad quickly cut off his train of thought with a question.
"Toilet, how long have you been here for?"
Toilet was speechless, for a moment or two. How long had he been here?
He attempted to explain in the most reasonable way possible.
"Well, uhm, a while. I think. A little bit after I got booted away from the show."
Mepad shifted uncomfortably at the mention of when Toilet was kicked from being an assistant.
But, Toilet had better questions in mind.
Looking up at the boring grey ceiling, he asked, "Mepad? How'd you get taken? Did you get caught by the evil phone too?!"

Mepad looked back at Toilet suddenly, and then answered.
"If by, 'evil phone', you mean, 'Mephone X', then yes."
Mephone X?
Mr. Phone had too many twins.
"Oh! Oh, was that the one with the big 'X' on the frontt??" Toilet questioned, practically yelling.

"Yes. That is the one. You were also taken here by him?"
Toilet nodded quickly, "Yeah! I was strolling around with me little baggie, and I was going around the beach closest to the spooky little forest, and then I saw a big thing crashed into the sand! So I walked over, and I heard a noise, so I thought it was aliens! But then, I saw the back of a phone, so I obviously thought, MISTAH PHONE! But, then it looked at me and it was all different- and it was beeping and making scary noises...I also heard a ladies voice a bit close by..."


"I dunno. I woke up in a weird room like this one and the corn man- er, Cobs was there and he was askin' me questions about the real Mistah phone."
Mepad squinted, and then shut his eyes for a moment, "He is asking about Mephone? What is he asking, exactly?"
Mepad started to sound more concerned than he looked.
"He was askin' about where he is and what he's doin'. I didn' tell him NOTHIN'! That little long-headed jerk is gonna get what he deserves! I'm not sayin' anything about Mistah phone."
Toilet paused.

"When did you last see him?"

There was silence for a moment, and it was broken by Mepad's quiet sigh, "The last time Mephone and I spoke, it was not exactly... pleasant. To summarise."
Toilet stared, raising an eyebrow.
"There were some.. slight, 'technical difficulties', if you will, and the last time we spoke... I would not say it was an, 'argument', but it falls under such labels. I was concerned about your whereabouts, and left to go find you."

Toilet stayed silent, listening attentively. He wasn't very sure how to feel. Mr. Phone and Mepad fighting? He didn't like that.

"Whilst I was searching, I stumbled upon that.. beach, you mentioned. I, too noticed the.. crashed boat-like structure. Although, I noticed activity. I thought it may have been you or other ex-contestants, and I had already been searching for you a while over at the other island, so I head over straight away.
When I got there, I noticed the Mephone X. And..."

"And what?"

"I cannot remember past that. It seems as though it completely erased itself from my systems."
"WHAT?! But- then you were hurt, and-",
"That is true, I am.. damaged. Although I do not remember any of it occurring. My latest memory past Mephone X was awakening to you, here in this room."

Toilet was dumbfounded. They took away Mepad's memories and stuff? Did they do that?? Could they do that?!
"... Mepad, are we gonna get out of here-", before Toilet could continue, the door to the room slid open, allowing light to come through.
The room was actually very very dirty.

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