"Starting New" ⚠️(?)

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The rain was only drizzle now- something Microphone was thankful for. It was peaceful outside, the sun almost down, and the light from it shining onto the grass and trees. Although it was still cloudy, it was still a rather dazzling sight.
Microphone continued her walking for a good while, the sun getting lower every step, and the trees blowing less.
As she was walking toward that... perilous forest, she couldn't help but.. feel some feelings.
Taco seemed like a good friend, but she was just a manipulator hiding under a smiling mask.
Microphone didn't want to think about her again, until she showed up yesterday.
In the flesh.
And apparently working with Mephone?
Microphone didn't want to hear about anymore of that conflict. She never wanted Taco to be mentioned again. Being played was bad enough, she didn't want her friends to get played aswell.
But she couldn't help but empathising with Mephone, he sounded betrayed and desperate when fighting with Taco.
Microphone thought about when she had first told Pickle.
They weren't on speaking terms for a few days, but then they put their past aside and continued on as friends.

What if Mephone just needed a friend?
He had said it himself that night, that apparently, Taco had promised to 'Bring his friends back,' referring to Mepad and Toilet.
Microphone regretted her words that night, perhaps if she had said something different the situation wouldn't have turned out like this.

But her deep thoughts were cut off by some strange noises that were akin to footsteps.
"Hello?... Is anybody there?"
Suddenly, a black silhouette flew by, very quickly.

Mic started feeling anxious, wondering if she should hightail it and run, or try confront whatever it was.
She was standing completely still, despite her urge to run.
Then, it bumped into her.
Mic looked shot her head down to look at it, and was ... surprised.
Speak of the devil and it shall come, apparently.

Taco was there, and she was now sitting and rubbing at her head carefully while making some sort of groaning noises.
"Ugh... ah- That was.. painful. Stupid tree-", That's when Taco looked up.

Their eyes met briefly.
Microphone couldn't help but scowl. Just as she was forgetting, too.
"Taco." She spoke through her teeth.
"Mic... oh. Mic." Taco didn't sound exactly pleased, to say the least.
Although there was a certain tone in her voice Microphone had never heard before.
Was it remorse?

Mic was rendered speechless.
The last time they spoke was when Mic dropped her before Taco could.
Her own words rang in her head,

"I thought I had finally gained a friend. But, turns out, I gained nothing."

Taco still had that bowtie on, but now she seemed to have a small brown bag.
"Mic. Just, just listen, Mic, okay-?" Taco tried to explain herself, but Microphone didn't want to listen. She wished to never hear that accent, that tone, ever again.
"Taco, if you think that I'd listen to you, you must be even crazier than when I last spoke to you."
Microphone began to turn around, when Taco all ofa sudden blurted something that piqued Mic's interest.
"What happened with Mephone was my fault, okay? Don't.. blame him."

Mic's face dropped for a moment, Taco? Saying something that thoughtful? Was it even real?
Microphone secretly pinched herself to ensure that this was reality.
"I did lie. You have no.. obligation to forgive me, but..
I am sorry, Microphone."

Mic didn't know how to reply. Should she forgive her?
Should she walk away?
She wishes she had the answers to those questions.
"... You shouldn't just be saying that to me, Taco."
Is all she mustered up, before turning away and giving the official cold shoulder.
Mic could see Taco's expression shift in the corner of her eye, real guilt. Not artificial guilt made up to control a situation.
Mic decided she could come back when she was in a more positive mood.
And that wasn't really now.

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