"Reunions" (⚠️, near the end)

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Bow was here?
Was Bow alive?
But she couldn't be, that was impossible.
Recovering her didn't work, and he saw her die.
It was right in front of him, he saw her fall, aswell as Mephone5.
They all fell into the water and... blew up, pretty much.

So how was this diary-?
Why was the ending of the passage unfinished?
And how was the ink still recently written with?
Mephone had many, many questions that'd remain unanswered.

He skimmed through more pages to see photos of Apple and Marshmallow, although it looks like there was room in the photo for a third person.
In most pictures like that, it looked as though there was faint pink scribbles drawn beside the two girls.

Mephone was trying to figure it out, the scribble was so faint, and the lighting was certainly not helping.
He began tracing with his finger until he started to make out shapes.
A circle...
A triangle?
Another triangle?
He went over it a few more times. Just to make sure his guess was right.

He was positive now. The scribble was in the shape of Bow, and then looking inside the circle was an upside down bracket and two small circles, that were barely noticeable.
But the circle was oddly shaped, it looked as though there was some sort of tail on the Bow drawing.
The only conclusion Mephone could reach from that was that Bow was a ghost, and was living here.
But for how long?
Was she living with Apple and Marshmallow?
Is that why Marshmallow left? To stay with Bow?

Is that why she acted so odd after the purgatory mansion visit?
... Mephone felt slightly guilty, now. Had he made the show so painful that the contestants wanted to run away and live in a possibly very unstable.. apparently haunted house with their friends?

But it wasn't the show- it was him.
The show was a great idea- it was just...
How he was.
How he acted, his mood. Season two.

He wanted the show to continue... but the contestants didn't.
Perhaps a third season?
But no, the audience would go wild with an unfinished season.
Maybe.. he could just say.. there was an issue with it at the moment?
That season three is just a .. a small temporary solution?
Surely he could convince the viewers that a third season was a good idea.
He could propose better challenge ideas, too. More friendly ones. Ones that won't have his contestants hating eachother and tearing at eachother's throats.
A happy season.
A happy show.
He could do that.
It was clear his .. no longer co-hosts weren't coming back anytime soon, and maybe if he just, started a new season, fresh, everything would be fine.
Everyone could be happy, that's what Inanimate Insanity's original purpose was.
'To create happiness.' For everyone, aswell as those who competed.
That was the point, that was the whole point.
There was supposed to be no.. Meeple, no sadness, no problems.
And it turned out the complete opposite way.
Should he have cancelled the season the moment that... that spaceship showed up?
Mephone didn't like spaceships.

He realised he had zoned out while thinking, and shut the diary, after putting the pen on the page he found open. Using it as a boomark, in a way?

He picked the diary up and held it closed tightly, so the pen wouldn't fall out. He glanced around the room once more, looking for any different signs if life, but he was unlucky.

Maybe, if Bow left, she'd have gone to the Hotel?
That made sense, right? Everyone else was there, likely she'd want to see everyone.
Mephone decided his next stop was the Hotel.. again.
He'd also have to apologize for leaving so abruptly.

Now he had to find Mepad, Toilet, and Bow.
It'd sure be a lot easier if they came to him. But that was impossible for many reasons.
Mephone had many, many questions to ask. But he couldn't ask.


"Oh? Zebra? What're you doing up? Isn't like- soo late for you?"

Yin and Yang immediately agreed that they disliked the name 'Zebra.' Unfunny joke. Trophy had been spending too much time with Cheesy.

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