Taco's eyes widened, as she supposedly became aware of what the situation was.
"... Mephone." She averted her gaze, furrowing her brows, staring down at the grass.
Mephone backed up even more into the tree, "Why are you here."
Her face shaped into a sorrowful look, as she frowned.
"Look.. I can't-"
Mephone wasted no time, before standing up straight and pushing away from the tree.
"I don't want to hear anymore pity. I've had enough of that, so don't you dare say you're sorry, because I know damn well you're not."
She sighed, and slouched over, before sitting on the ground. "That's not what I was going to do." She muttered.
"Exactly." Mephone shot back. To that, Taco looked back up suddenly, and gnashed her teeth.
"You never apologise. And when you do, it's just plain bullshit."
She took her stance, and took a step forward, slamming her foot into the grass causing a crunching sound.
"I do. Maybe, maybe you just don't deserve it. And you don't have the right to swear at me, Mephone."
Mephone stepped foward aswell before yelling back, "I have every right to swear at someone like you, you liar. Who do you think you are? You think you're all big and bad because you made some shocking reveal you have an actual IQ at the end of the first season? Are you that.. that petty?" Taco looked even more furious than before now, "I have tried apologizing. And don't you even think about calling ME petty. Have you looked in a mirror recently?"
Mephone bit back a vulgar response before calmly replying, "I think you're the one who should look into a mirror. Maybe you'll see the monster you are looking back at you."
Mephone felt wrong again. Like he did back at the Hotel, just before he saw the red and blue screens.

He didn't realise how close Taco was standing.
"I know I'm a monster, trust me I've done some reflecting. Maybe, if you actually decide to listen-"
His head hurt, and that's when everything looked distorted again. It was loud, and he couldn't handle it.

The next thing Mephone knew, was that he felt his right arm shoot up, hand in a fist, and hitting something, knocking it over.
He opened his eyes again, breathing heavily, seeing Taco clutching her jaw whilst practically laying down on the ground.
Mephone's hand was still clenched tightly, resting against his side.
He unclenched it, and a hand shot up to his mouth.
He actually punched her. Physically injured her.
He stood in silence, eyes wide.
Taco groaned and pushed herself off of the ground.
"Well..." She coughed, feeling the mark by her mouth.
"Didn't know you were.. like that.." She whispered, quietly.
Mephone didn't even want to think about what would happen next- but he certainly didn't expect what she did.
She had that face again, but it was slightly different. It looked more real- more real than any of Taco's expressions before.
"Originally, I wasn't going to apologise. But I feel I still... should, I guess."


Paper was unaware of what had even happened last night. Perhaps he was too tired to remember it?
He stretched out- but his hand bumped into something.
Oh. Right. Oj stayed last night.
He was upset though, right? He had asked to stay because he was upset about.. something. Something he said he'd discuss in the morning.
He didn't realise how hard his hand hit into Oj until Oj grumbled and started moving around.
Paper quickly sat up, and jumped up, scrambling, pretending like he didn't just wake up a sad person.
He peered out of the curtains, to see the sunrise in the distance. It actually looked quite nice, to be honest.
Paper turned to see Oj now sitting up, and moving his hand around the nightstand to grab those glasses he got for his birthday.
"Ugh.. Paper..? What time is it right now?"
Paper turned quickly to look at the digital clock on his other nightstand.
"Uh.. just about seven?" Paper answered, trying to act as casual as possible.
"In the morning or the evening..?" Oj replied back.
Paper raised an eyebrow out of concern. Was Oj okay right now?
"The-the morning, Oj... Are you feeling okay?"
Oj pushed the glasses onto his face, and unscrewed the cork as he sat up.
"Ah... I don't know right now, Paper." Paper didn't exactly like that response. He disliked seeing his.. friends upset.
"...You said you'd talk about... how you're feeling in the morning, last night. Do you still...?" Paper inquired.
"Yeah. Sure." Oj replied quickly. He rubbed his eyes, and Paper sat on the bed beside him.
"I'm listening." Paper croaked.
"It's just.. Mephone, last night, he said he'd go solve those 'technical difficulties' or whatever, but the thing is.. like.. the 'difficulties', he told me what they were and I just.. I can't help but worry, you know? I mean.. it was dark out.. and I just can't help but thinking the worst, you know?"
Paper listened attentively, and replied, "Well, I mean, there shouldn't really be anyone else on this little island, that's why you chose to put the Hotel here, right? Safety. And you know Mephone, he's.. erm, he'd be fine. And, he's only looking for those two, so there shouldn't be any real issue-", Paper trailed off, as he noticed Oj raising an eyebrow at him. "How did you know he was looking for the co-hosts?" Oj asked, frantically.
Paper felt his heart drop, and he stuttered, "Uhm.. Uh- lucky guess. I mean.. what else.. could it be..?"
Oj sighed, and slouched again.
How could Paper almost just let it be known he was eavesdropping on Oj and Mephone like that? That was.. really close.
"Paper.. I just don't really know what to do."
Paper sat up straight, and breathed out before starting, "Oj, I understand that the 'Hotel Manager' position your in makes you worry, but as your second in command, I advise you don't worry. I know things can be hard sometimes like that, but stressing out wont help. You just have to believe in things. Trust me, everyone's gonna be fine, including you. So don't... dwell too much, okay? And besides, I've been in situations like yours before, too. But they've all passed."
Oj stared at Paper in awe, and Paper stared back.

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