Snow shivered from the sounds as she began to whine. Despite the sound being cross between Griffin and Wolfwings, there was an unnerving difference.

The growling was like it amplifying her fear as it caused vibrations around her.

*Griffins can't do this, and as far as I knew Wolfwing can't either.* Snow thought as her body filled with fear.

"Please, stop. It hurts!" Snow's eyes went wide with fear as she crouched to the ground, shaking. This sound could make any creature go mad with fear.

The low growl echoed throughout her body as she crumbled further into the ground. It felt like her insides wanted to tear themselves apart.

Just as the Angel thought that she would die. The sound stopped.

Snow was slow to recover but stood up and noticed an odd-looking dragon on the ground. He was pinned by Dara who was baring her teeth.

"Am I missing something?" The odd dragon spoke.

Snow walked closer to Dara and the odd dragon. He was dark green with shark shape fins on his back. An arrow-like tail with wings similar to a bat. However, that was not the strangest thing about him. The dragon was covered with fur and scales and had a black shield marking on his left shoulder.

"I swear that I wasn't aware that you wanted this prey, Huntress Dara." The dragon whined.

Snow lifted her wings slightly up. She had to admit that she was a bit pleased with the shocked expression that the dragon gave at the sight.

Suddenly, four wolves came running from the direction that Snow came from only moments ago. Blue looked the most worried as he was making odd clicks and barks. However, he relaxed when he saw the odd dragon.

"Oh, it was just the mutt." Blue groaned as his face turned from worried to bored. "And I thought things were about to get excit..."

Snow's heart lifts at the sight of Grove. She did not even realize he was there but she noticed that the wolves were sniffing wildly around him.

*Grove hid his scent.* The Angel thought as she looked at him fondly.

"Say that again!" Grove said with malice to his cousin.

"I am okay," Snow called out to him as she saw the fear in Blue's eyes.

The brown Mudwing looked at her with a kind smile.

Dara growled and click her tongue before allowing the dragon to stand up.

"I guess, I was wrong about keeping Snow a secret from our allies," Dara mumbled with only the odd dragon and Snow could hear.

"Huntress Dara ..." The mutt started but growled and quickly followed. However, the odd dragon ignored them. "I mean no disrespect..."

"Shut it, Thorn!" Dara snapped. Her facial expression looked irritated, but her body language said otherwise. "It was my fault for not alerting this area of my presence..." She paused and gestured her head towards Snow. "Or who I was traveling with."

Grove walked up behind the Angel and gently leaned against her. This behavior she knew well. *I am right here. It is okay.* It seemed to say to her.

"As you can see, we are trying to get Snow to a safe location." Dara finished as she introduced the two creatures to one another.

Snow saw how the dark green dragon looked at her with eyes that made her shiver. This is the first time that she saw the hint of the dragon in this odd creature. To be honest, the creature looked more terrestrial mammal with white wings.

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