"Did you know that I love your butt"

"Do you? Why?"

"It's just...wow!"

I feel her laugh and I smile at her, I kiss her and after a while I start to lick her bottom lip asking for entrance into her mouth, she teases me by keeping it shut, so I bite on her bottom lip gently and she moans I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth, at first she hesitates but soon our tongues start to dance together, after awhile we break to take a breathe, I run my hands back up to her waist and I whisper into her ear then I feel her hand go up to the back of my head she runs her fingers through my hair, so I decide to do exactly the same, I smell her hair, we stay like that until we fall asleep.

*1:30 pm*

I hear my phone ringing loudly, I open one eye and Jessie buries her head into my chest making me chuckle, I answer my phone

*phone call*

"Hey Will, what's up?"

"Not much Dan"

"Then why did you call?"

"Why are you doing something important"

"Just having a bit of cuddle time with my girl"

"Right, err well are you two coming into work at all today?"

"Yeah, but we were told that we don't have to be there until one"

"Dan,, its half one now"

"Shit, okay no ones there yet though are they??"

"No not yet they will be here at half three"

"Alright, see you soon"

"Yeah, okay you are coming out with me tonight aren't you?"

"Yeah of course"

*end of call*

"Who was that?"

Jessie says into my bare chest, I kiss the top of her head and stroke her hair

"It was Will babe, we've got to go"


She sighs, and gets out of bed, she opens her wardrobe

"Jess, could you throw me, my black jeans and my white t-shirt"

She chuck them at me before grabbing her stuff and going into the bathroom. She comes back out and I make her eat a banana once she's done we go to the door,to see Jackson sat there waiting for us, he won't let us leave, eventually we get him to move, we get in a taxi and make our way to the studios once we get there we find Tom and Will they look at us when we come in, Jessie leaves the room to get something and they give me a stern look

"Danny, did you really think that, that was a good idea in her condition?"


"Cuddle time? Dan how old do you think we are??"

I catch on to what they are on about, I shake my head and laugh

"No, we were cuddling that's it ...nothing else cuddling"

"Why are you lying to us Dan, if you did have sex with her it's okay but do you really think it was a good idea?"

"We didn't guys... You don't believe me do you?"

They shake their heads, I decide to get Jessie

"Why do you need me in here Dan, I'm kind of busy"

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