Part 30

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Jessie POV

I get on my flight and prepare for take off, I sit there in silence, thinking about the last few days, I try to sleep but I couldn't, I felt exposed without his arms around me, once I land and I've collected all my stuff, I see my manager waiting for me, he asks me how it went and I said it went well, he drops me at me flat and drives away, as soon as I'm in my flat I check my phone because I haven't had a chance since I landed

2 new messages

1 from Danny O'Donoghue

"Hello, beautiful hope the flight was okay for you, starting the concert soon, I love you baby and I can't wait to be back next to you on a daily basis ;) xxxxxxxxx


"Hiya Dan,yeah the flight was good thank you, I hope the concert goes well and I love you too ;) xxxxxxxxxxx"

1 from dentist telling me about my next appointment

Jackson cuddled up to me when I got into bed, I think he might have read my mind because before he cuddled me I thought to myself how much I wanted a cuddle, I woke up at 3am because my phone was vibrating, after that I couldn't get asleep so I sat up with a notepad a pencil, a rubber, sharpener and a picture of Me, Tom, Will and Danny all together, I draw out the picture for about a hour then, I hear my phone vibrate, I pick it up its a face time request from Danny, I answer it

*face time*


"Hey Dan"

"You ok Jess?"

His voice is slurred, he's been drinking I mean he always drinks and he drinks on stage in concerts but I've haven't heard him this bad

"Yeah thanks, you've been drinking!"

"Just one or two"

"Okay then, how was the concert anyway??"

"Yeah it was good thank you, what have you eaten since you got in?"

I hadn't eaten anything but I didn't want to have a fight with him, so I lied

"Not a lot just a little bit of mac and cheese"

"Well at least it's something"

"Yeah, so when do you get home?"

"About two months time"

"That's not too bad"

"I've got to go now Jess"

"Okay night"

He ends the face time call

Just one or two, yeah right, I didn't know what to say so I was glad that he had to go but I was worried about something and I don't know what.

*The next day*

Danny POV

I woke up, with a banging headache I went a bit mental last night, I missed Jessie mainly, I turn on my side and see a load of blond curls, SHIT what the fuck have I done, I slowly lift the blanket and see what I'm dreading, I'm naked and so is who ever is next to me, she rolls over to look at me and she caresses my cheek, I see two love bites on her neck and I realise that I'm going to be in deep shit if Jessie finds out.

"Morning, baby last night was fucking perfect"

She says in a husky voice

"Uhh morning, and no last night was a fucking mistake!"

"You didn't think that when you were fucking me!"

"That's because I wasn't thinking at all"

"You liked it really"

"No i didn't, I've got a girlfriend, who I love and who loves me"

"Where is she then?"


"If she loved you, she would be here"

"I think it's time for you to go"

"No, I like it here"

She grabs my hands and places them on her boobs

"Better baby, I know you love them"

"No not better"

I pull my hands away and get out of bed I pull on some clothes and she does the same, I finally get her to leave and then I go back to the guys

"Why did you guys let me bring her back?"

I was fuming

"You wouldn't listen to us"

Mark says simply, eating cornflakes

"What am I going to do?"

"You're going to finish your tour and forget that it happened!"

Glen says coldly

"What's up with you Glen?"

I snap

"You've got probably the best girlfriend in the world, then you have a go at us for trying to stop you last night and then you have a go at you the next morning for not stopping you, Jessie would be way better off without you"

He shouts

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that, your girlfriend is fucking perfect, shes funny, shes smart, she's beautiful but you're not happy with that you have to get something else, you told Jessie that you loved her but its obvious that you were lying through your teeth! And I would happily fuck your girlfriend in front of you any day because she too fucking perfect for you Danny "

He gasps for air

I run at him, we have a actual fight until Andy and Darren comes and pulls us apart, he wipes the blood from his mouth, everyone turns their attention to him but Mark stares at me

"What do you want Mark?"

It comes out more harshly then I wanted

"He's right,she would be better off without you"

His words sting me, I get up a storm out of the room they were all on Glens side, even Mark and we've been best friends for years before the script after about two hours I return to the bus, I see Glen sat there

" I'm sorry Glen, I didn't mean to attack you"

"It's ok, but I would still fuck your girlfriend in front of you"

"You don't understand how much I love her"

"How much do you love her Dan?"

"If she died, I would kill myself just to be with her, that's how much"

I was pissed off at him for saying that, I haven't even had sex with her yet, so there was no way I was going to let him go any where near her


Thank you for reading, I know that there is a lot of swearing in this part, do you think it's too much if so tell me below, I do apologise if it is too much though

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