14: a mission for three

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monday morning came around after a beautiful weekend in the sand drinking margaritas 20 minutes outside of miramar at bradley's beach house. i was sitting in my office thinking about the fact that bradley was officially my boyfriend when maverick came to stand in the doorway.

"good morning," he said.

"good morning, dad," i smiled.

"beau and chester are calling a meeting," he said.

"for what happened last week?" i asked.

"i don't know," maverick replied, "but ice man is here."

"but he's retired," i replied.

"i know," maverick replied. "board room in 15."

with that he walked out of my office and i watched him go down the hall towards bradley's office. i got up, locking my office door behind me and heading towards the board room. when i got there, ice man, maverick, beau, and chester were all sitting together.

bradley walked in soon after me and stood next to me. we exchanged a look and i realized he was just as clueless about what was going on as i was.

"do you think someone found out we're together?" he asked.

i raised an eyebrow, "babe, everyone knows we're together."

"but like officially," he replied.

"bradley," i couldn't help but smile, "i'm pretty sure everyone in this room knows that you and i are romantically involved."

"oh," he said, "well in that case it's probably not about that."

"there's no way it's about what happened last week," i said.

"they would've handled this last week if it was," he agreed.

"we're waiting for just one more," beau said.

"that's fine," maverick nodded as did ice man.

"oh shit, who else could be showing up?" rooster asked me.

"and there he is," chester smiled.

"sorry i'm-" he stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the board room as did bradley and i both, "late."

"hangman?" we asked together in complete shock.

"that appears to still be my name," he smiled sheepishly.

i ran across the room and embraced him, causing him to drop the helmet that was in his left hand. he hugged me back and i could feel myself begin to cry. he still smelled like chamomile tea at two in the morning and iced sangria from the fridge halfway through the week and summer mixed with hints of family christmas.

"jake," i let go and touched his face.

"(y/n), it's so good to see you," he smiled and i did too.

"ahem," chester cleared his throat.

"we're having a moment, chester," hangman said.

"i can see that, jake," chester replied, "but we're also having a meeting."

rooster came over and also hugged hangman. then we all hugged one another before taking a seat at the table.

"what's this meeting about?" rooster asked, "and why is ice man here?"

"since all of you who have come to be on the faculty here at top gun have been recommended we asked him to be present for this meeting," chester replied.

"due to the incident last week, we have decided to create a female and male course about boundaries," beau said.

"boundaries?" i asked.

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