2: great balls of fire

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that late afternoon, maverick pulled into the driveway of a beautiful white beach house. i smiled when i saw that one of the windows on the side of the house had a balcony overlooking the ocean. i grabbed everything i needed out of the car and walked through the front door.

the place was beautiful. everything already felt like home minus the few touches we would add. i walked up the stairs and to the bedroom with the balcony. i was pleased to see that the cardboard boxes in the room indicated it was mine. i opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony. the early summer air was warm around me and i could smell the salt in the air.

i grinned when i saw a note on my dresser and opened it immediately.

there's a margarita calling your name ;)

i ran down the stairs and looked at maverick who was standing in the kitchen. he paused and looked at me for a moment before he said anything.

"you like it?" he asked.

"love it," i smiled, "can i go visit penny?"

"as in penny benjamin?" maverick asked.

"yeah...?" i raised an eyebrow, "i thought mom said you were over that whole thing."

"i am, she and penny were friends," maverick sighed, "go ahead, sweetheart."

"you don't want to come?" i asked.

"i'm too old to be hanging around the bar," maverick replied.

"whatever you say," i shrugged.

"how are you getting there?" he asked.

"dad, i'm a grown woman. i'll be fine," i sighed then said, "i'm walking and i'll be back before sunset if i walk back, okay?"

"call me if you need anything," maverick said.

"okay, i love you dad!" i called as i ran out the front door.

i walked to the bar and when i entered i found it was completely filled with young people and old people alike. i went straight up to the bar and saw penny standing there. she was beautiful with the dark brown hair and million dollar smile. she turned and gasped when she saw me.

"my god you're all grown up!" she grinned and hugged me over the bar.

"it's only been a few years," i smiled.

"a few years too long," she smiled back, "margarita?"

"yes, please," i smiled and she turned away to start making the drink.

a tap came on my shoulder followed by a, "can i buy you a drink?"

"sorry i've got one-" i turned around and my eyes met a very familiar pair as i finished and said, "on the way."

"(y/n)?" rooster smiled.

"rooster," i smiled too and he embraced me, spinning me around in a circle.

"what the hell are you doing back here?" rooster put me down but didn't take his hands off of me for a second.

"i'm back at top gun teaching," i replied.

"no fucking way," rooster laughed, "me too!"

"what've they got you teaching, hookup 101?" i smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"well you'd be the only one in that class, so no," he replied.

"stop flirting with me," i joked and he blushed like he always did.

"they've probably got you teaching beauty 101 with the way you're looking nowadays," he smiled and studied me for a while.

"bradley," i blushed using his real name.

"the flattery getting to you already? it's only the beginning of the night, (y/n)," he grinned.

"i'm not 17 anymore," i replied.

"my pickup truck says otherwise," he smiled, "you haven't changed a day. somehow you're prettier, which i thought was impossible. but you're still the same."

"and you aren't?" i asked and he smiled.

"what makes me the same?" he asked.

"the immaturity," i replied.

"not my charm?" he frowned playfully then we both laughed. "how's your old man?"

"grouchy as ever," i rolled my eyes, "without charlie he's worse than ever too."

"she always kept him grounded," rooster nodded.

"i wish she was still here," i said, "then maybe my dad wouldn't hate you so much."

"he still hates me?" rooster asked.

"so it would seem," i sighed.

"is it because we used to sneak around and hookup?" he asked.

"it's deeper than that i think," i said.

"you're his little girl, i understand," rooster replied, "i was a rambunctious teenage boy with a need to get it on with the most beautiful girl i've ever seen who was far too good for me and everyone knew it."

"you're talking like you're still in love with me," i smirked.

"who said i wasn't?" he replied.

"margarita!" penny called out, "oh, i see you've found bradley."

"magically," i smiled and took the margarita.

"would you like to go for a walk?" rooster asked me.

"sure," i replied.

soon we were walking along the beach barefoot. i'd downed the margarita quickly and we were walking side by side just talking.

"have you run into hangman yet?" rooster asked.

"no, thankfully," i rolled my eyes.

"i'm amazed that he found out what we were doing so late," he chuckled.

"he just felt like you were an overprotective brother and you would never be anything more," i smiled.

"he was way off the mark," rooster laughed.

"how was baltimore?" i asked him.

"a load of bullshit," he rolled his eyes.

"you get a lot of dates with pilots?" i joked.

"i didn't go on a single date," he replied, "i also didn't hookup with a single person."

"not even bob?" i joked.

"he's hot, but not my type," rooster replied.

"what stopped you?" i asked him, already knowing the answer.

"this girl with (y/h/c) hair and a first place graduation spot from top gun. she keeps me honest," he said.

"remind me again why we ever stopped," i sighed.

"the distance," he said, "and your dad."

"it was right when everything happened," i replied.

"i'm sorry about it all, by the way," he said, "what happened was terrible."

"i appreciate you saying that," i nodded, "you being there made things so much better. i wish you wouldn't have gone to baltimore."

"i do too," he said, "i never thought i'd see you again. but i'm glad i'm seeing you right now."

i stopped walking and he did too and we looked at one another for a second. "maybe we should try again."

"i like the sound of that," he smiled against the sunset.

"wait, what about my dad?" i asked.

"what about him?" rooster asked.

"i live in the same house as him still," i pointed out, "and he doesn't approve of you."

"well maybe i can change his mind," he said.

"and until then?" i smirked as he pulled me in closer to him.

"come here," he smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

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