Wow, okay...[Chapter 1]

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"DEKUUU!!!" A certain porcupine screeches.

'Ahh shit-' I think as I feel the heat of a certain SOMEONES, *cough* (Kachaan) *cough*, explosions on my face.
"K-K-Kachaan!" I say, my voice wobbling 'Why is the bitch so damn annoying... BUT SO SCARY AT THE SAME TIME!'

"Don't even bother trying to get into UA, I'm the only one in this shitty school who's gonna be able to pass into the hero course! Let alone UA!" 'He says that like he was an angel sent from God himself and could beat AllMight with a single hair flip with his crunchy ass looked hair line-' "The other Extras will be lucky to be sidekicks for a bunch of D-listers."

...' Did he just say that in front of the entire class?'

"DON'T ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY BAKUGOU-!" Says a kid with a nose that could rival Gru's from Despicable Me. "YEAH DON'T ACT LIKE JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN BLOW THINGS UP THAT YOU ALL MIGHT OR SOMETHING!!" Says the kid who can pull his eyeballs out of his skull... 'ew'...This kept on with Bakugou howling back at them that he already passed the mock test and was stronger than all these extras... blah blah blah, ya da ya da ya da...

He then turns back to me, ' Did he always have those wrinkles on his forehead? I don't know, probably from his old, bitchy attitude-' "AND DEKU, YOU'D PROBABLY DIE IN THE ENTRANCE EXAM SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER TRYING!!" He screeched like brackets on a car in the middle of winter. 'STOP INTERFERING WITH MY THOUGHTS BITCH, IM TRYING TO INSULT YOU!'

"But K-Kachaan... I-I'm enrolling in general studies, I promise!" 'I wish I could be in the hero course, but if all might say I can't then it's pointless...'



I coughing up slimy goo from that gross-ass sewage villain who decided that I look like a 'Good sized meat suit' like new...

"Young man are you ok!"

Wait... I know that voice!

I looked up so fast I think I got whiplash, and I was right! There stood the greatest hero of all time! ALL MIGHT!

"DON'T FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!" He said before he turned to empty two large litre soda bottles to suck up all the sewage villain that was spewed around the underpass we were under. As he was doing that I thought 'It's now or never.'

"A-A-Allmight sir.." I say as he is just filling up the last litre bottle. "Yes, young man?"
I gulped down as much of my nervousness as I could be for ripping the bandaid.
"Can I be a hero... even without a quirk..." I shyly look up but am filled with confusion as I look at the blank face of the number 1 hero before it dawns on me what he's gonna say. 'Oh my god, don't you fucking dare you banana-looking piece of shit!!'

AllMight sighs "I'm sorry young man, it's nice to have dreams, but make sure they are achievable," I choke and hold back tears 'this yellow Teletubby-looking bafoon is the No.1 hero? more like NO.1 LYING BITCH- "No you can't be a hero without a quirk." He says sympathetically as he turns around facing away from me and soars through the air without another word.

Okay, wow.



'That was a real dick move... not even checking to see if I was dying or something, so much for being the No.1 hero...'

By then it was already home time, and I was packing up. 'Was, as in that dis Bitch ass mommy issues looking excuse for a dandelion decided that right after I told him that I was out of his way, that it was a good time to come harass me!'

"Deku..." Kacchan says lowly as if I was a wild animal, I was just putting away my now useless 'hero notes for the future' notebook "You know that you can't get into UA with your stalker notes, right?" He said strangely calm.

"You have to have more than 1 brain cell to pass the written test!" He and his goons laughed like was the funniest thing in the universe,' Did I ask!?' I think 'Like when did I physically open my mouth to verbally ask for your opinion!?' I took a deep breath, remembering that Bakugou could easily blow me to the sun if he wanted to.

"S-Sorry Kachaan..." I stuttered 'If he weren't so damn scary I would have kicked him in his small fucking balls already.' Bakugou scowled and then ripped the notebook out of my hands before I could put it in my bag (not like that would do anything, he would probably just blow up my bag...) and blew up the book with a *BOOM*. And chucked it out the window!

'I-' before I could scream at him in my head he turned around and walked away, before saying "You know... there's one way that you could get into the hero course..." I don't know what I was thinking but I listened, with a small flicker of hope... "Take a swan dive off the roof of the building and pray for a quirk in your next life!" He chuckled with his 'friends' and walked out of the room.

I stood in disbelief. Bakugou can't be this stupid, suicidal baiting me, his (Ex) childhood best friend! 'This goddamn dandelion puff, Pomeranian, mommy issues, no belt pants, ugly ass scowl, and his weird ass walk, LIKE WHY DO YOU WALK LIKE YOU HAVE A STICK UP YOU ASS!?! What if I did throw myself off the roof what'd he do then? He acts more like a villain than a hero...'

I wipe my stray tears and look out the window to find my notebook... in the coy pond... with the fish who think that paper tastes delicious right now. I finally finish packing my things and walk toward the pond. I look down at the fish nibbling on all my hard work

Wow, okay...

1006 word!!

Thanks for reading chapter 1 (Wow, okay...) of 🍋Lemon Boy🍋!
By your author Izzy!!

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