Always ~ACOTAR Azriel

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Starfall, the spirits were traveling for their yearly migration, giving everyone in Velaris a reason to celebrate. Azriel was beside you as he always was, every year since this started. The same spot at the balcony the rest of the inner circle somewhere nearby.

Your arms were crossed in front of you, supporting your lean on the railings. One particular star's descent floated slower than all the others. You squinted, brows creasing in confusion. You tapped Azriel's arm several times to catch his attention, calling his name with each tap, though tapping his arm once would have sufficed.

"Az, Look," You pointed to the star that was once slowing down, now increased its pace.

"I'm looking dove," He chuckled. You glanced his way and did a double-take, he wasn't looking at the star. He was looking at you. Not just looking, openly staring down at you.

"No, you aren't." You frowned up at him.

His mouth twitched upwards, "You're right, I'm not."

His amused smile disappeared and a look you couldn't decipher appeared, you scanned his features and for the life of you, you wanted- needed to know what the look on his face was for. It was an unmasked version of Azriel that seeped into vulnerability but ultimately gave off strength.

"Y/n," He spoke softly. You waited with little patience for his next words, he was scaring you. "Y/n, Don't marry him."

You searched his eyes for a sign of a joke, you weren't going to find one. "What?"

He repeated himself, "Don't marry Eris."

You blinked. "Why?"

"Why?" He took half a step closer, "You know why"

His bright hazel eyes pierced through yours and you were lost, so very lost the feeling overwhelmed you. You didn't know why this was happening right now. You shook your head in denial, stepping away from him, he tried to step closer. You pressed your hand against his chest to stop him from getting too close, however, there was no point now- you caught a whiff of his scent.

"No, Az-" Tears welled in your eyes, so close to spilling that if you blinked they'd run down your cheeks.


"No Azriel, this isn't funny." You plead with your eyes for him to stop whatever he playing at, you wouldn't believe him. You trusted Azriel with everything you had in you, in life and death he would honor you but this? This you could not believe. "You were in love with Mor, you were in love with her for centuries, then Elain comes along and you do not- have not left her alone. Matter of fact, I should be grateful you're even here with me at all."

He lifted a hand to caress your cheek and you denied him. For the first time in your 535 years of living you had denied him and it killed you to know his meaning and yet it was not fair. You met his gaze once again, suddenly everything clicked in place and you were sure your heart was cracking. Too many emotions bubbled within you, "I can't." You whispered.

He clutched onto the hand you had on his chest, "Y/n please-"

"No Azriel," Your voice cracked. The bond pulsed, on stand-by for your next sentence as if asking if you were going to reject it, reject him. "I have been here, while you pined for my sister and Elain, you never wanted me. I will not be the one you settle for because you cannot have her, because a bond tells you to. Not when I've spent my entire life loving you."

The tears flowed freely, ruining the makeup Nuala and Cerridwen worked onto your features earlier this evening. You left the balcony in a rush, ignoring the aching that came from the bond.

You didn't care to turn back and see if Azriel was following you or if anyone had seen what had gone on in yours and Azriel's usually peaceful area. You simply rushed to your room packing up only what you needed, fleeing the townhouse.

Fleeing from the townhouse with the one thought that ran through your mind, that Azriel was your mate. 

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